Natural health
Digvijay Singh Makes Jigar Bombs: The Secret to Glowing Skin and Healthy Liver
Digvijay Singh's Jigar Bombs is a homemade beauty shot that's easy to make and packed with nutrients to boost skin and liver health. -
Leema Mahajan on Amla: The Indian Superfood for Health and Beauty
Discover the benefits of amla, the Indian superfood, for better health, glowing skin, stronger hair, and improved immunity! -
Kiran Kukreja's Natural Remedy for a Blocked Nose
Clear your blocked nose naturally with Kiran Kukreja's simple DIY pouch remedy. -
Dr. Ankur Sarin's Advice on Combating Hair Fall with Nutrition
Dr. Ankur Sarin points out how protein deficiencies cause hair fall and recommends a balanced diet with protein-rich foods to prevent it. -
Dr. Siddhant Bhargava's Detox Drink Reality Check: What Science Says
Dr. Siddhant Bhargava exposes the truth behind detox drinks and how your body's organs work together to eliminate toxins naturally. -
Dr. Smita Bhoir Patil Reveals the Secret Nutrients for Lifelong Bone Strength
Discover Dr. Smita Bhoir Patil's key tips on key nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and more to keep your bones strong and healthy for life. -
Dimple Jangda Reveals Why Processed Cheese Might Be Dangerous for Your Health
Health expert Dimple Jangda exposes the hidden dangers of processed cheese -
Dr. Vibhuti's Glow Shot Recipe: The Secret to Radiant Skin
Dr. Vibhuti shares her Glow Shot recipe for a radiant complexion, packed with powerful ingredients to boost skin health. -
Anjani Bhoj's Skin-Glowing Juice: Natural Retinol in a Glass
Anjani Bhoj's "Natural Retinol in a Glass" juice combines carrots, apples, and ginger to boost radiance and smooth skin in just one week naturally! -
Chetali Chadha's Guide to Scalp Massage for Hair Growth
Chetali Chadha reveals the correct method to massage your scalp for optimal hair growth. -
The Wonders of Curd: Health and Beauty Benefits Unveiled By Kavita Rai
Discover the health and beauty benefits of curd, a natural probiotic that supports digestion, immunity, skin health, and more. -
5 Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Naturally by Kinita Kadakia Patel
Struggling with low testosterone? Learn Kinita Kadakia Patels five natural ways to boost your testosterone levels. -
Say Goodbye to Early Greying Hair with This Simple Home Remedy by Simrat Kathuria
Struggling with an early greying hair issue? Health expert Simrat Kathuria shares a homemade remedy to restore your hairs natural color. -
Natural Supplements to Help Ease OCD Symptoms: Insights from Dr. Smita Bhoir Patil
Discover how Myo-inositol, NAC, Vitamin B1, and probiotics can support mental well-being and help manage OCD symptoms, as shared by Dr. Smita Bhoir Patil. -
3 Herbs That Helped Sabin Reverse Hair Loss
Discover how Sabin reversed her hair loss using three powerful herbs and a natural remedy recipe. -
Try This Healthy Drink to Beat the Heat
Simrat Kathuria, a well-known health coach and nutritionist shares a drink that boosts your body in summer. -
Best Snacks to Maintain Thyroid Health
Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savaliya, an ayurvedic expert, shares her top ten healthy snacks for those suffering from thyroid and other common health issues. -
Unlocking Radiance: Dr. Dimple Shares DIY Remedy for Sunburn
Dr. Dimple, an Ayurveda and gut health coach shares her top 5 ingredients that prevent sunburn and tanning lines. -
Ekta Munjal's Ayurvedic Approach to Enhancing Fertility and Wellness
Ekta Munjal brings to you the benefits of a miraculous herb, known for its ability to aid in combating infertility, managing irregular periods, and enhancing overall wellness.