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Zeenat Aman Recalls Difficult Phase In Her Life: I Find No Shame In It...

Zeenat Aman: Acknowledgment of the difficult phase...

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Zeenat Aman Recalls Difficult Phase In Her Life: I Find No Shame In It...

Photo Credit: Zeenat Aman Instagram

  • Zeenat Aman aces a social media game
  • She recently opened up 'terrifying' phase of her life
  • "Acknowledgment of the difficult phase..."

Veteran actor & social media personality Zeenat Aman has been making headlines since her debut on social media. She often shares insightful posts which are admired by everyone on the internet. Her posts are mostly about her personal life experiences that she had. Now, she has recently opened up about the toughest phase of her life and how she dealt with it.

"It Would Be Dishonest Of Me..."

Taking to her Instagram, she wrote, "It would be dishonest of me to project a life of uninterrupted glamour and composure. I know how it looks of course. Here is a woman who reached the pinnacle of stardom in her youth, and is now enjoying a renaissance in her old age. Sure, those much-retold, often contorted, episodes of personal tragedy are widely known, but they're merely footnoting now. Little stories that only serve to accentuate the heights one has achieved."

"The Fear Of How To Keep Food On The Table..."

She discusses her difficult phase in life, "This then is a frank acknowledgment of the difficult phase. Those excruciating weeks turned into months that turned into years. The time when the work dried up, the body aged, and one felt their relevance slip away. At first, there was the sheer relief of anonymity. But then came the fear of how to keep food on the table. With no husband to turn to, no sibling to lean on, and two helpless children to provide for, it was terrifyingly lonely.

She added, "Those were the years I took pretty much any work that came my way. I did not have the luxury of discernment or whimsy. It was bone-rattling drives to nondescript towns for event appearances, accommodation at no-star hotels with filthy sheets, trite renditions of ‘chura liya' in smelly halls, poorly drafted scripts that pushed me to the edge of sanity, being jostled like a prop during stifling photo ops… and then there were the other odd jobs. Teaching poise and etiquette, writing agony aunt columns, and even narrating audio tapes."

"I Find No Shame In It..."

"This was life as a has been and I find no shame in it. I am grateful to those organizers who offered me jobs, to those fans who turned up to attend those events, and to those laughable paycheques that kept the lights on in my apartment. This caption is my assertion of two matters. That there is dignity in all labour. And that, with some persistence and luck, the tough times can ease," she concluded.

The post has gained lots of attention. Kajol commented, "Now that's feminism!"

Zeenat Aman is acing the social media game like a pro!


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