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Netizens Bash Influencer for 'Vitiligo-Inspired' Makeup: "This Is So Offensive..."

Influencer faces backlash for 'Vitiligo-Inspired' Makeup

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Netizens Bash Influencer for 'Vitiligo-Inspired' Makeup: "This Is So Offensive..."

Photo Credit: Instagram

  • Influencers' Vitiligo-Inspired Makeup
  • Netizens bash the influencer
  • "Are you okay..."

A video of a social media influencer going viral on the internet in which she pretended to have vitiligo and did a makeup look for individuals who have the condition. She is facing severe backlash for her insensitive content.

Influencers' ‘Vitiligo-Inspired' Makeup:

The Instagram user Rex, posted a video with parts of her face painted white to represent vitiligo. Later in the clip, she shows how she covered the condition with makeup to express that it is "pretty".

"I Hate When People Try To..."

This didn't go well with the netizens and they have slammed her for mocking the condition. A user wrote, "Girl you didn't even use a lighter shade of concealer just threw some lotion on...this is so offensive." Another commented, "I hate when people try to promote positivity by faking it, you are literally making it worse you aren't helping."

"I Want To Clarify That..."

After the backlash, she edited her caption and mentioned that she wanted to make people aware of the condition and spread skin awareness. She said, "I would have written that your vitiligo makes you unique, but I thought of writing my so that I could put myself in there.I got a lot of comments I've received regarding my recent post. I want to clarify that while I don't have vitiligo myself, my intent was to create art inspired by those who do and normalize it. I drew it on my skin as I had seen it on Pinterest."

"I Aim To Celebrate..."

She added, "I understand it wasn't my best work, and it may not have resonated well with everyone as Vitligo doesn't look like this. My goal was never to mock or belittle anyone with vitiligo. Rather, as a skin-positive creator, I aim to celebrate and highlight unique features instead of concealing them. I would have literally used concealer or painted my face full wait that to lead you to feel that vitiligo doesn't look pretty on its own."

She continued. "I was trying to normalize having it because it's not under someone's control, treating it as normal rather than something different. I know that ppl who have it are treated differently and the fact that they get depressed and might wanna end their life and so much more to say honestly..."

Influencers should be careful with such a sensitive topic. In the name of promoting positivity, it's not at all fair to mock the emotions of others. What are your thoughts about it? Do tell us in the comments.

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