
How social media creators can become 'viral' with the audience

Tips for social media creators for viral content

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How social media creators can become 'viral' with the audience

Photo Credit: pixabay

  • Hacks for viral content
  • Show up every day
  • Keep track of your analytics

Still wondering why you aren't gaining new followers or what your audience wants to see on your profile? Well, social media algorithm is surely a maze but if you delve deeper, some doable strategies can help you connect better with your audience. Here's how…

1. Show up every day: Like your followers show up every day to see fresh new content on your feed, you need to be present on your feed too. Face value matters so give them relevant information and make it sticky as that kind of content works best.

2. Keep a check on your analytics: Go to your dashboard once in two days so check what content is working for you. Your audience, timing and demographics will give you clear picture of what your viewers want to see and at what time slot!

3. Make it interactive: Indulge in interactive posts like quiz, polls, ask me anything in your stories. Let your viewer come back to you for more! Make it news worthy and on trending topics.

4. Engage with the audience: It always gives a boost to the reader/viewer when you engage on their comments to your posts. Have a conversation around your posts, reels. Don't indulge in replying to trolls and keep it strictly professional.


Photo Credit: pixabay

5. Contests and giveaways: During pandemic, these used to be big crowd pullers to one's profile. Now with offline events taking the lead, contests have taken a backseat. Having said that, if the giveaway is lucrative and attractive – audience does engage! So once in 3 months is a good idea to host a giveaway!

6. Re-story for visibility! This is a tip that always works and gets that much-needed visibility. If not always, sometimes it's good to re-share posts that mentions you - appreciate and acknowledge. That's the key!

7. Video stories have visual appeal: “Talking stories” click a lot with the followers where you share glimpses of your routine (what you ate, where you are going, party pictures, etc.) Showing up in your stories and documenting little things from your life diary is always liked by the audience. Fans feel involved and get drawn towards content they can make use of – like the latest eatery that's opened in your neighborhood or a new store opening!

Comment & Tell us: As a content creator, what tip works best for your profile engagement?


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