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Cannes - A Film Festival, Yes, But Isn't It A Business Like Everything Else?

Another jibe at content creators aka Influencers.

Cannes,Cannes 2024,Film Festival,content creators,Influencers,Aishwarya Subramanyam

Cannes - A Film Festival, Yes, But Isn't It A Business Like Everything Else?

Photo Credit: Instagram

  • Cannes 2024
  • Aishwarya Subramanyam took a deep dig at the creators
  • An event consists of all kinds of guests

People get paid to attend events/ fill empty seats all the time, so if a brand wants to be relevant and thinks of this as a marketing move, why frown upon it? Are the creators taking away anything from the event? No! Are they adding value, by engaging viewership? Yes! 

Add to it: Yet another jibe at content creators aka Influencers and the whole industry is labelled. Sad? Yes. Complete truth? No. 

Just yesterday, Aishwarya Subramanyam (@otherwarya / @dietsabya) took a deep dig at creators attending the Cannes Film Festival 2024 stating ‘truth bombs' apparently out of which some may not be even true (we know!)

Context: Creators paid to attend Cannes 2024. Brut sold tickets. 

Cannes - A Film Festival, Yes, But Isn't It A Business Like Everything Else?

Photo Credit: Ankush Bahuguna Instagram

Firstly, we aren't getting into the argument of who's right, and who's wrong. The point is that the influencer market is a million-dollar and booming industry. How's that for a fact? 

The brands and media realize the weightage they bring to the table, at this point. When Indian stars' attendance is at an all-time low - the brands prefer to invite / sponsor/sell invites to the creators. 

Big deal? Not really.

“If a brand is bringing creators on board at a cost, they know the business and value of the people they are bringing on board. The creators add value and reach to the film festival. Actor pay their way to be part of this too,” states an industry insider.

Having said that, it's supremely important for creators to make relevant content - even if you secured that spot at Cannes Red Carpet or any prestigious platform for that matter. That of course is sacrosanct.    

Also, the fact the creators who were present had some credibility to be there. Cannes is a film festival but not everyone attending it was a filmmaker or an actor. An event consists of all kinds of guests and the public. So why just zero down on one group, that too creators? Perhaps, not all were deserving (I agree) but a major chunk was! That's a fact too. It was a film festival but a little bit of fancy stuff and that too by Indians is passable, no? So why the hue and cry!? 

Let's take some industry facts and numbers into cognizance. Influencer marketing in India is expected to surge by 25% in 2024, reaching Rs 2,344 crore, and further expand to Rs 3,375 crore by 2026. (Source: A joint report by EY and Collective Artists Network) 

Cannes - A Film Festival, Yes, But Isn't It A Business Like Everything Else?

Photo Credit: Masoom Minawala Mehta Instagram

Let me also share some inside facts. Fashion designers pay to participate in International fashion weeks. They pay even to do displays. Actors pay to get awards. Enthusiasts pay to get front rows. Fans pay to watch their favourite Diljit Dosanjh concert. It's a power game of moolah everywhere. So be it. 

The question remains: Does it take away the creativity of the creator? No. 

Does it mean they aren't deserving? No. 

Are all creators deserving to be on such a platform? Again No. (That is another debate) 

Targeting credible creators like Masoom Minawala, Kusha Kapila, Ankush Bahuguna, Dolly Singh and more is so not cool. Creators are soft targets, we all know it. Time to change the perception perhaps. 

End of the day, everyone is from the creative industry. Pulling the other one down and making a brouhaha is so not cool. 

Earlier (long back) Hollywood used to make fun of Bollywood. Bollywood in turn used to pull down Tollywood. Currently, it's amazing to see how the movie industries all over the world have come to terms with the fact that Indians are making amazing movies and are creatively excelling in the game. They want to work with one another. The lines have merged beautifully. Similarly, it's time to respect, encourage, and support the creator tribe instead of pulling them down. It's only now that the creator lot are spreading their wings and making their presence felt on numerous International platforms. Root for Indian creators. Don't cross them out, just yet. If PM Modi can acknowledge, support, and credit, SO CAN YOU! 

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