
Princy Saini's Top Stress-Busting Technique

Psychologist Princy Saini reveals the ancient Indian breathing technique, Bhramari Pranayama.

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Princy Saini's Top Stress-Busting Technique

Photo Credit: Princy Saini Instagram

  • Princy Saini, a well-known psychologist
  • She introduces Bhramari Pranayama, a stress-relieving technique
  • Benefits of "Bhramari Pranayama"

Psychologist Princy Saini discusses Bhramari Pranayama, a simple yet effective stress alleviation method that has long been performed in India. This breathing technique is not only known to reduce stress and anxiety but also helps ease depression symptoms.

Advantages of Bhramari Pranayama

  • Activates the Relaxation System: Bhramari Pranayama stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the cause of relaxation. This improves relaxation and relieves tension.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: This is a strategy that, when done on a daily basis, can help bring your blood pressure and heart rate to normal levels, therefore boosting heart health.
  • Improves Sleep: After performing the Bhramari Pranayama, many people report better sleeping patterns and less disturbance at night.
  • Helps in Hormone Regulation: Hormone regulation is yet another benefit of practicing this technique, which is recognized by most people as an improvement in mood and general health status.

How to Do Bhramari Pranayama?

  • Achieve a relaxed Position: Sit with a straight spine as you advance this practice in order to remain comfortable throughout the practice.
  • Hand Position: Cover your face with both hands, beginning with the index fingers on the tip of your forehead and ending with the toes of the remaining fingers on your eyes.
  • Creating a Humming Sound: As you inhale deeply, exhale and produce the humming sound of ‘Om. The vibration generated through this sound is of prime importance so far as the practice is concerned.

Why Is It Effective?

The humming sound's success lies at the heart of Bhramari Pranayama. The sound waves help you relax because they produce vibrations known to stimulate the particulate nervous system. It's as easy as that; a technique that could produce benefits can more or less be performed practically anywhere.

By applying the practice of Bhramari Pranayama in your daily life, you can empower your general health and prevent possible stressful conditions in an easy way, yet with efficacy.

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