
Nitika Malik: 5 Signs You're Too Good for Those Who Don't Deserve You

Nitika Malik shares 5 signs that you're too good for people who don't appreciate you.

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Nitika Malik: 5 Signs You're Too Good for Those Who Don't Deserve You

Photo Credit: Nitika Malik Instagram

  • Nitika Malik is a motivational content creator
  • She shares 5 signs that you are too-good for people
  • Time to recognise your people

Do you ever feel like you're giving too much to people who don't give back? Nitika Malik, a motivational content creator, shares insightful signs that you may be too good for those around you. It's human nature to want to be liked and loved by others, but sometimes, in the process, we overextend ourselves without receiving the same level of care. Are you giving more than you're getting? Let's explore how to recognize when you're doing too much.

1. You're Always Available, but They're Not

You find yourself constantly making time for others—be it for advice, support, or just being there when they need someone. But when you need the same, only a few are there for you. This is a clear sign you're giving more than you're receiving.

2. You Go Out of Your Way, and It Goes Unnoticed

Whether it's doing favors or adjusting your schedule to meet their needs, your efforts often go unacknowledged. It's important to recognize when your generosity is being taken for granted.

3. You Feel Drained, While They Feel Fulfilled

After interactions with certain people, do you feel emotionally drained while they seem to have gained something? That imbalance is a sign you're giving too much energy to people who aren't reciprocating.

4. Their Support Vanishes When You're at a Low

When you hit rock bottom, only a handful of people are there for you. Those who disappear in your hardest moments were likely only sticking around for their benefit, not because they cared.

5. You Don't Ask for Anything in Return, but Deserve More

It's not about expecting something from every interaction, but a healthy relationship is about give and take. If you constantly give without receiving basic respect, support, or love, it's time to reevaluate those relationships.

Recognizing your worth and knowing when to stop overextending yourself is crucial for maintaining healthy, balanced relationships. As Nitika Malik emphasizes, surround yourself with people who truly value and reciprocate your love and support. Choose your circle wisely!

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