
Luke Coutinho on 'Small Wins Every Day' and Transforming Lives

Luke Coutinho discusses his book 'Small Wins Every Day,' inspiring readers to celebrate small victories.

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Luke Coutinho discusses his book 'Small Wins Every Day'

Photo Credit: Luke Coutinho Instagram

  • Luke Coutinho shares the power of celebrating small wins
  • Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Expert
  • Learn about Luke's initiative to transform lives through his programs

Changing lives one day at a time, meet Luke Coutinho, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine expert and Founder of You Care - All about YOU. In an inspiring conversation, Luke shares insights from his book 'Small Wins Every Day' and highlights the importance of celebrating small victories. He also discusses his initiative, Cancer Care - Aap Ke Liye, which aims to provide accessible and free cancer care to those in need.

Get ready to be inspired by Luke's wisdom and passion for transforming lives.

How would you describe the core message or concept behind your book, and what inspired you to explore the idea of celebrating small victories?

This book aims to inspire individuals to break their goals, whether they are related to health, life, relationships, or personal growth, into manageable action steps. The key to achieving these goals is consistency and starting with small, achievable steps before gradually adding more. Many of us tend to set lofty goals and resolutions that may sound impressive but are difficult to sustain. As a result, we often become demotivated when we can't meet those unrealistic expectations.

To truly achieve our goals, simplicity, and sustainability are crucial. While big goals may seem exciting, they are often not realistic or practical for long-term success. Instead, focusing on achieving small wins is vital because it fuels us with dopamine, the reward molecule, and keeps us motivated.

This book draws upon my nine years of experience in the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, working with clients who face various lifestyle-related conditions. I have witnessed numerous successful cases where individuals achieved remarkable results by embracing simple actions consistently. Contrary to popular belief, achieving good health doesn't always require complex strategies. In fact, in most cases, the answer lies in implementing simple habits consistently.

By sharing my learnings and insights, I aim to guide readers towards a path of sustainable change and positive transformation. This book emphasizes the power of simplicity, consistency, and the profound impact that small steps can have on our overall well-being.

Can you share a personal experience where the concept of small wins had a profound impact on your own journey toward a goal? How did this approach shape your mindset and propel you forward?

Yes, I can relate to that. I had a similar experience with yoga in the beginning. It felt difficult and uninteresting, creating a love-hate relationship. However, through self-reflection, extensive research, guidance from great teachers, and valuable advice, I discovered a strategy that worked for me - breaking down the practice into small wins.

There were days when I couldn't spare an entire hour for a yoga session, or I lacked the patience for a longer practice. So, I decided to break it down into one asana per day. By focusing on perfecting one asana at a time, I gradually built my practice and maintained consistency. This approach was motivating because I was able to achieve small wins along the way.

Today, yoga has become my lynchpin, even though my overall workout routine includes dynamic activities like weight training and cardio. I may not always have the time for an hour-long practice, but I make sure to incorporate 1-2 rounds of surya namaskar and at least one asana into my daily routine. Breaking it down into smaller, achievable goals has made it sustainable and effective for me.

While I acknowledge that there is still a long way to go in my yoga journey, I embrace the fact that I am a work in progress. Each day, I celebrate the small victories and continue to move forward. This approach has allowed me to make consistent progress in yoga. 

In your book, you emphasize the importance of breaking down goals into small wins across various aspects of life. How can individuals apply these principles to their health, relationships, and career? Are there any specific strategies or techniques you recommend for achieving small wins in different domains?

Breaking down goals into small wins is a powerful strategy that can be applied to various aspects of life, including health, relationships, and career. Here's why it's important and some strategies for applying this principle:

Importance of Small Wins:

● Motivation: Small wins provide a sense of progress (all thanks to dopamine!) and accomplishment, boosting motivation and confidence to continue working towards larger goals.

● Overcoming overwhelm: Big goals can feel overwhelming, but breaking them down into manageable tasks makes them less daunting and easier to tackle.

● Sustained progress: Small wins help maintain momentum and prevent burnout, as they provide regular feedback and a sense of forward movement.

How individuals can apply this principle to different domains:


● Instead of aiming to "get fit," break it down into smaller goals like exercising for 30 minutes a day or eating a balanced meal three times a week.

● Focus on building one healthy habit at a time. Start small, like drinking more water each day, and gradually add new habits over time.


● Break down the goal of improving relationships into smaller wins, such as having regular date nights, engaging in meaningful conversations, or expressing appreciation daily.

● Each time you engage in effective communication, consider it a small win.


● Identify specific skills you want to develop and break them into smaller milestones. For instance, if you want to improve public speaking, start by presenting in smaller settings or joining a public speaking club.

● Break down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate completing each task to maintain motivation and a sense of progress.

In your book, you emphasize the journey of achieving small goals leading to the accomplishment of major aspirations. Can you provide practical tips or strategies for readers to effectively set and pursue their own small goals? How can they ensure these small wins align with their long-term aspirations?

To achieve your aspirations, it's important to break them down into actionable steps. Identify the smaller tasks that will lead you closer to your larger goal and focus on accomplishing them one at a time. It's crucial to be aware of potential obstacles and challenges that may arise along the way. By focusing on one win at a time, you can maintain momentum and build confidence.

Remember, there is immense power in the compounding effect of small actions over time. Each little step you take adds up and contributes to your overall progress. Embrace the concept of compounding, understanding that consistent effort and dedication will yield significant results in the long run. Stay focused, celebrate each milestone, and keep moving forward towards your aspirations.

Your work extends beyond consulting and writing books, such as the Cancer Care - Aap Ke Liye program. Could you tell us more about these initiatives and the impact they have had on less privileged individuals? How do these initiatives align with the principles and values outlined in your book?

I am deeply passionate about using an integrative and holistic approach in handling cancer cases. From the very beginning, my dream has been to make cancer care accessible to everyone, and for those less privileged, to provide it completely free of cost. This initiative represents a significant step towards realizing that dream. With years of experience in managing cancer cases, my team and I have been blessed with the skills, knowledge, and expertise required to address cancer at any stage.

Currently, we have been able to impact the lives of nearly 200 individuals from underprivileged backgrounds through our free program and approach. 

While this number may seem small considering the larger population in need, I urge everyone to drive this message in their circles and channels. It is essential that every village and neighbourhood becomes aware of this service because it is honest, genuine, effective, and, most importantly, free. Each one of us can contribute by spreading the word and helping those in need access this vital support. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of cancer patients who lack resources and ensure that quality care reaches every corner of our community.

Your work has received significant recognition, and you have been honoured with various awards. How do you stay grounded and motivated amidst such achievements, and what drives you to continue making a positive impact in the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine? 

Gratitude. I offer gratitude for every single achievement of mine. That helps me stay grounded, focused, and motivated. 

Finally, what do you hope readers will take away from 'Small Wins Every Day'? What message or advice would you like to impart to individuals who are striving to achieve their goals and lead a fulfilling life?

The book is filled with 100 achievable wins that readers can start incorporating into their lives, one step at a time. These wins are simple, easy, mostly free, and practical. Unlike many other books on self-help, goal setting, and success, this book is action-oriented rather than preachy or philosophical. Its primary focus is on taking action and implementing positive changes in your life. By following the book's actionable advice, readers can make tangible progress towards their goals and experience real transformations.

Through his book and work, Luke hopes to inspire readers to embrace small wins and make positive transformations in their lives.

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Luke Coutinho Highlights Concerns with Nutrition and Lifestyle, Shares Valuable Insights

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