
How to Build and Regain Your Self-Confidence? Insights From Greesha Dhingra

Greesha Dhinga, a well-known holistic yoga teacher, shares valuable insights on building self-confidence.

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How to Build and Regain Your Self-Confidence? Insights From Greesha Dhingra

Photo Credit: Greesha Dhingra Instagram

  • Greesha Dhingra is a yoga teacher
  • Build self-confidence
  • Practice yoga for better results

As you know, in today's time, most people are suffering from stress and anxiety. But have you ever thought about the reason behind this? May include several factors but the main cause of suffering tension and pressure by an individual is their lack of self-confidence. Greesha Dhingra, a renowned holistic yoga teacher and guide, shares some points that help you build self-confidence. According to her, self-confidence is not an external feature or element that everyone has from birth. It is not as simple to build but it is very essential to recognizing and providing this natural quality for personal growth and fulfillment.


She points out that each individual has a unique set of skills and abilities. Just remember your childhood days when you proudly or confidently showed off your work without any hesitation. Represent their unique abilities without any self-doubt. This natural confidence stems from a connection with our true identity.

Further, as we grow older, we have to face common and stupid societal pressures and constant comparisons with others that can destroy this natural self-bond. Dhingra highlights that expressing or showing true identity without any uncertainty is far better for building your confidence instead of fake show-offs and trying to become cool. When we start hiding our unique qualities due to the pressure of society, we begin to lose our self-confidence.

How to Regain: 

From the perspective of regaining confidence, Greesha Dhingra shares some important lessons that help to regain your self-confidence.

Stop Comparison: Every individual has different abilities, choices, and different lifestyles. Comparison with others is just a stupid way to decrease your self-respect and confidence. Focusing on your ability and valuing your uniqueness is the first step towards reclaiming self-confidence.

Working on your Unique ability: Engaging in daily self-observation to rediscover natural abilities and interests.

Further, she perfectly explains with an example of our hand. She shows how every finger is different in size. but each finger has its unique role to perform. She explained that if every finger starts comparing with each other, they would forget to realize that this size and shape have a unique quality and ability. 

Yogic Practices: 

Dhingra prioritizes Yoga because it is not just a physical exercise but a complete practice that boosts our mind, body, and soul. Through meditation, and breathing movements, yoga helps us to reconnect with our inner peace and realize our unique capabilities.


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