
How Discussing Good Deeds Can Affect Your Karma: Advice from Nityanand Charan Das

Nityanand Charan Das, a spiritual personality, highlights the impact of discussing your good deeds and others bad deeds with reference to the Mahabharata.

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How Discussing Good Deeds Can Affect Your Karma: Advice from Nityanand Charan Das

Photo Credit: Nityanand Charan Das Instagram

  • Nityanand Charan Das is a spiritual personality
  • Discussion of good and bad deeds
  • Highlights the impact of good and bad deeds

Have you ever considered the impact of discussing your good deeds and others bad deeds? And what impact will it have on your personal life? Let's try to find out. Nityanand Charan Das, a well-known spiritual personality, shares his deep insights to maintain a balanced and ethical life. He simply highlights the principles of humility and non-judgment, using examples from the Mahabharata.

Nityanand Charan Das suggests viewers to refrain from two things in their lives: never boasting about their good deeds and never gossiping about others bad deeds. But why? Let's understand his words in detail. 

Never Talk About Your Good Deeds:

Nityanand Charan Das advises against talking about one's good deeds. With reference to the Mahabharata, he highlights that the rewards of our good actions diminish or vanish when we boast about them. According to him, the spiritual benefits or positive karma that arise from good deeds are like a treasure that loses its value when we succumb to pride or self-conceit. These words of Nityanand promote humility and the idea that true honesty lies in silent and selfless acts of kindness.

Never Talk About Others Bad Deeds:

He also cautions against speaking or gossiping about others' bad deeds. Again, with reference to the Mahabharata, he explains that when we discuss someone else's bad deeds, we share fifty percent of the karma related to those actions. Additionally, he shares that if the bad deeds are falsely attributed, the ensuing consequences are even more significant, with the speaker assuming 100 percent of the negative karma. This principle promotes gossip and a culture of non-judgment and compassion.

Nityanand Charan Das's profound words on good and bad deeds advocate for humility and compassion, encouraging individuals to focus on their personal and mental growth without seeking external validation or engaging in harmful gossip. By following these principles, you can lead a more peaceful and spiritually fulfilling life.

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