
Exclusive! Creators and Mental Health: Insights from Anushka Hazra and Saumya Sahni

Anushka Hazra and Saumya Sahni emphasize open conversations and occasional digital detoxes to promote mental well-being amidst online challenges.

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Exclusive! Creators and Mental Health: Insights from Anushka Hazra and Saumya Sahni

Photo Credit: Anushka Hazra and Saumya Sahni's Instagram

  • Normalize Mental Health: Anushka & Saumya's Insights
  • Empathy for All: Saumya's stance on Mental Health
  • Digital Detox: Anushka & Saumya's essential strategy

In the digital era, nurturing one's mental health is important, especially for content creators. We take a look at the perspectives of creators Anushka Hazra and Saumya Sahni regarding mental well-being and its significance in our society. Through candid discussions, they shed light on fostering open conversations and maintaining a balance between their online personas and mental health.

Breaking the Silence: Opening Up About Mental Health

In today's world, destigmatizing mental health begins with initiating honest and open conversations. Anushka Hazra highlights the importance of creators sharing their mental health experiences, encouraging a normalization of this essential dialogue within society. She says," To take it up from the basics, it should begin with having more open conversations about mental health. As content creators, we can be a little more open about mental health issues and practices to ultimately influence people to normalize it. Also, as a society, I think we should really 'live and let live' because that just makes the world such a fuss-free place to live and thrive in."

Empathy for a Compassionate Tomorrow

Saumya Sahni advocates for increased empathy, emphasizing the need to teach empathy to younger generations. She says, "Be more accepting of people around you even if it's difficult to fully understand them. Cultivate empathy in kids regarding such things so the next generation doesn't make the same mistakes we did."

Both creators acknowledge the toll online interactions can take on mental well-being. Anushka and Saumya emphasize the necessity of stepping back and taking breaks from the digital world when the pressure becomes overwhelming, showcasing the power of simple yet effective practices to rejuvenate the mind. 

Anushka shared that her mental health is sometimes affected by constant work pressure, hate comments, trolling, and other negative experiences. However, she has learned to detach herself from these things when they become too much. "Whenever I feel like it's time to take a step back, I just log out of social media, surround myself with my loved ones, practice some affirmations, and count my blessings. All of this helps a lot!!"

Social media can be a challenging environment, as you will encounter both positive and negative comments. Saumya adds, "There are days the comments get to me and I decide to zoom out, step away, and look at this in the larger scheme so it looks small. This isn't a permanent solution but a good fix until the platforms can make themselves more secure."

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