
Boost Your Willpower: Understanding Sankalpa Shakti and Tratak Kriya with Greesha Dhingra

Greesha Dhingra, a well-known yoga teacher and lifestyle coach, highlights the power of Tratak Kriya to boost willpower.

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Boost Your Willpower: Understanding Sankalpa Shakti and Tratak Kriya with Greesha Dhingra

Photo Credit: Greesha Dhingra Instagram

  • Greesha Dhingra is a yoga teacher
  • Improve your willpower
  • Understand Tratak kriya

How often do we make efforts to accomplish a task but fail to follow through? Have you ever wondered why this occurs? And have you tried to find its solution? Here, Greesha Dhingra, a yoga teacher, highlights the reason behind this. According to her, this happens due to our weak “sankalp shakti” willpower. According to research, 60,000 thoughts cross our minds a day out of which 70% are negative and 90% repetitive. Now you know why it is so hard to break the band habits and build new ones.

It is because you are in a loop of thoughts that are unhelpful and unless you break that loop, your consciousness can't hear your resolutions. And when your resolution reaches your consciousness, it becomes your willpower “Sankalpa Shakti”.

Your mind is scattered all over the place but when you focus your eyes on one point, the thoughts begin to rest. That is where “Tratak Kriya” helps. To perform this,  gaze at the candle flame, the mind begins to calm down and your focus increases which taps into your inner consciousness. Using Affirmations at this point is particularly very powerful.

Here is How You can Perform this:

Tratak Kriya:

  1. Practice this between 6-8 pm in silence.
  2. Use Diya or candles and Keep them at eye level.
  3. Breathe normally through the glazing process.
  4. If thoughts come, let them pass. Just remove it by bringing awareness to candles.

Savasana and Write Down 4 Strong Affirmation:

  1. Do you want to wake up early, What time, Why, and What do you want to do?
  2. Repeat them one by one mentally for 5 minutes.
  3. To complete, stretch your body and turn to the right side.
  4. Sit cross legs, rub your palms, place over your eyes, and roll up your mat.

This focus and affirmation work together to strengthen your willpower. Repeat only the affirmations for 2-3 minutes just when you are going to sleep. This works in addition to a balanced lifestyle, so eat and sleep on time. Increase your focus on good habits that will help you to build strong willpower. 


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