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The Essential Guide to Hair Oiling: Expert Tips from Divya Sharma

Discover the art of hair oiling for a healthy mane with insights from beauty influencer Divya Sharma, tailored for different hair types and goals.

Divya Sharma,Divya Sharma Instagram,Hair Oil Routine,hair oiling frequency,Hair Oiling,self-care

The Essential Guide to Hair Oiling: Expert Tips from Divya Sharma

Photo Credit: Divya Sharma Instagram

  • Divya Sharma is a beauty and lifestyle influencer
  • She created a reel that highlights hair hair-oiling regime
  • How often you should oil your hair for a healthy mane?

In the world of beauty and self-care, hair oiling has emerged as a pivotal routine for maintaining a healthy mane. Divya Sharma, a renowned beauty and lifestyle influencer, recently shared her insights on this age-old practice, adapting it to modern lifestyles. This article delves into her valuable tips, offering a comprehensive guide on how to oil your hair effectively based on your unique hair type and goals. This reel not only showcases her hair care routine but also offers a glimpse into the versatility of hair oiling techniques, proving its relevance in contemporary beauty practices.

Decoding the Frequency of Hair Oiling

A common question that perplexes many is, "How often should I oil my hair?" The answer varies depending on individual needs. Sharma simplifies this by categorizing hair types and their respective oiling needs.

For Oily Scalp

Individuals with an oily scalp should limit hair oiling to once or twice a month, for no more than 1-2 hours. Since the scalp is already producing ample oils, the focus should be on the dry ends rather than the scalp. Occasionally, oiling just the ends while skipping the scalp is advisable.

For Dry Scalp

Those with dry scalps can benefit from oiling their hair twice a week or before each hair wash as a form of pre-conditioning. Leaving the oil on for 3-4 hours or overnight (with proper scalp covering) can be highly beneficial.

For Normal Scalp

For those blessed with a normal scalp, oiling 1-2 times a week should suffice, depending on personal preference.

Tackling Dry and Frizzy Lengths

For dry and frizzy hair, especially at the ends, coconut oil is a great conditioner. Apply it 1-2 hours before washing for optimal results.

Hair Growth Goals

For those focusing on hair growth or regrowth, using hair growth-promoting oils 2-3 times a week is crucial. This should be coupled with a 5-10 minute hair massage for maximum effect.

Optimal Duration for Hair Oiling

Sharma advises that keeping the oil in hair for 3-4 hours is adequate. Contrary to popular belief, overnight oiling is not necessary and can attract dirt and build-up, potentially blocking hair follicles and leading to scalp infections. If one chooses to oil overnight, covering the scalp with a plastic wrap or scarf is recommended to avoid dirt accumulation.

In conclusion, Divya Sharma's insights on hair oiling offer a tailored approach for different hair types and goals. Her emphasis on understanding one's scalp and hair, combined with her practical tips, makes hair oiling an accessible and effective routine for anyone looking to enhance the health and beauty of their hair.

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