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Ridhi Khosla Jalan's Tips for Allergy-Proofing Your Home Before Monsoon

Digital creator Ridhi Khosla Jalan shares her top tips for preventing allergies at home, especially ahead of the monsoon season.

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Ridhi Khosla Jalan's Tips for Allergy-Proofing Your Home Before Monsoon

Photo Credit: Ridhi Khosla Jalan Instagram

  • Ridhi Khosla Jalan is a digital creator
  • She creates content around interiors and home decor
  • She shared tips on how to avoid allergies at home ahead of monsoon

Are you struggling to keep allergies at bay, especially with the monsoon season around the corner? Ridhi Khosla Jalan, a well-known digital creator who focuses on interiors and home decor, has battled with allergies in her family for years and has successfully found solutions. She shares her expert tips on how to create an allergy-proof home, helping you breathe easier during the rainy season.

Combat Moisture with Silica Gel Sachets

During the monsoon season, excess moisture in the home can worsen allergies. To tackle this issue effectively, Ridhi suggests using silica gel sachets, which are commonly found in shoe boxes. These sachets are an affordable and efficient way to absorb moisture. Placing silica gel sachets strategically in areas such as shoe closets, medicine cabinets, and on hangers can significantly reduce moisture levels. It's important to keep them out of reach of pets and children, as they can be toxic if ingested. Ridhi, who has two dogs, emphasizes the need for caution. Compared to costly moisture-absorbing boxes, silica gel sachets are a more practical solution due to their affordability and long-lasting nature.

Natural Cleaning with Diluted Vinegar

Ridhi highly recommends using diluted vinegar for cleaning various surfaces in the home as a natural way to prevent mold and allergens. This method is particularly effective for maintaining a mold-free environment. Mixing water with vinegar can be used to clean floors (except marble), AC vents, and cupboards. The strong smell of vinegar dissipates quickly, usually within 15 minutes, leaving the home fresh and clean. Regular use of this solution has kept Ridhi's home free of mold for years, making it a reliable part of her cleaning routine. This simple, natural approach not only helps in mold prevention but also ensures that surfaces remain allergen-free.

Minimize Dust with Closed Storage

To create a low-maintenance and dust-free home, Ridhi advises reducing open shelving, which tends to accumulate dust and trigger allergies. Closed storage options, such as cabinets and shelves with doors, are far more effective in keeping dust at bay. This approach reduces the frequency of cleaning required and makes maintaining a clean home much easier. Closed storage solutions are essential for allergy prevention, especially during the monsoon season when dust and allergens are more prevalent. By minimizing open shelving, you can keep your living spaces cleaner and significantly reduce the risk of allergy flare-ups.

Allergy-proofing your home, especially ahead of the monsoon season, is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. Ridhi Khosla Jalan's practical tips on using silica gel sachets, cleaning with diluted vinegar, and reducing open shelving can significantly reduce allergens in your home. By implementing these strategies, you can create a more comfortable and allergy-free space for you and your family. Embrace these tips and enjoy a healthier home during the rainy season.

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