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Getting Recognition from Bollywood has been an Incredibly Rewarding Journey: Nikhil Paralikar

Being a musician on social media comes with its fair share of challenges says Nikhil Paralikar aka The Table Guy.

Nikhil Paralikar Instagram,Nikhil Paralikar

Getting Recognition from Bollywood has been an Incredibly Rewarding Journey: Nikhil Paralikar

Photo Credit: Nikhil Paralikar Instagram

  • Nikhil Paralikar's mesmerizing tabla beats took social media by storm
  • Discover the driving force behind his pursuit of a music career
  • Nikhil's inspiring message for aspiring musicians

Meet Nikhil Paralikar, also known as 'The Tabla Guy', a musical sensation taking the industry by storm. With mesmerizing tabla beats and a unique fusion of genres, his talent has garnered widespread acclaim. From viral Instagram covers to collaborations with renowned artists, Nikhil's music transcends borders and inspires aspiring musicians worldwide. In an exclusive interview with us, he shares his remarkable journey, his mission to make classical music accessible, and his vision for the future.

Your tabla beats have gained immense popularity, and you are often referred to as 'The Tabla Guy.' How did you discover your passion for playing the tabla, and what motivated you to pursue a music career?

I am truly grateful for the overwhelming response my tabla beats have received. From a young age, I was captivated by the rhythmic patterns and expressive potential of the tabla, which led me to dedicate time to mastering its intricacies and experimenting with the instrument. My motivation to pursue a music career was because music has a unique way of transcending language barriers and touching the hearts of listeners. Seeing the smiles on their faces and witnessing the emotional impact of my tabla beats is truly rewarding. The tabla has a unique place in our culture, and I take pride in contributing to its legacy.

Your ability to blend tabla beats with modern music is truly exceptional. How do you approach creating these fusion tracks and ensure they complement the original tunes?

The first step is to deeply understand the essence and structure of the original tune, including its melody, harmony, and overall mood. This helps in identifying potential areas for tabla integration. Selecting the appropriate taal that aligns well with the original music is crucial for a seamless fusion. I often experiment through jam sessions, trying out different tabla patterns with the original music. This allows me to explore various possibilities and discover what works best. Achieving a balance between tabla and modern music is vital. The tabla should add a unique flavour without overshadowing the other instruments or vocals. It should feel like a natural part of the composition.


Nikhil Paralikar: Getting Recognition from Bollywood has been an Incredibly Rewarding Journey
Photo Credit: Nikhil Paralikar Instagram

After your graduation, you started doing tabla covers for popular songs on Instagram. How did you decide to take this path, and what were some of the initial challenges you faced in establishing yourself as a musician on social media?

Being a musician on social media comes with its fair share of challenges. Firstly, in a vast sea of content creators, identifying a unique style and niche that sets you apart from others is crucial. Maintaining high-quality content is essential, but it can be demanding in terms of time, effort, and resources. Striking a balance between consistent output and maintaining standards can be tricky.

Managing a social media presence can be time-consuming, as you have to actively engage with the audience, create connections with other musicians and content creators to collaborate on projects, and expand your reach and exposure. Despite these challenges, social media also offers vast opportunities for musicians to connect with a global audience, collaborate with other artists, and create a dedicated fan base. Adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape and staying authentic to one's music can lead to a successful and fulfilling journey as a musician on social media.

Your talent has caught the attention of several prominent Bollywood celebrities and music industry icons. Can you share some memorable moments or experiences of being appreciated by these well-known figures?

Getting recognition from Bollywood as a tabla player has been an incredibly rewarding journey. I have always been deeply passionate about the tabla, and to have my talent appreciated by prominent figures in the Bollywood industry is a dream come true.

I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with some of the music industry's icons on various projects. Working alongside celebrated composers and singers and contributing my tabla beats to their compositions was a surreal experience. One of the most memorable moments was when I received a heartfelt message of appreciation from Salim-Suleiman. I am grateful for the continuous support and encouragement from renowned artists and the music industry, which drives me to keep evolving as a tabla player and creating music that resonates with people worldwide.

Collaborating with various artists and being part of hit numbers like 'Aaja Na Ferrari Mein' and the tabla cover for 'Highway' must have been exciting. How do you approach collaborations, and what do you enjoy the most about working with other musicians?

Collaboration starts with mutual respect for each other's talents and contributions. Musicians value each other's skills and recognize the unique elements they bring to the table. You need to take the time to understand each other's musical styles, preferences, and strengths. This understanding helps in blending different elements seamlessly. Collaborations often involve exploring new musical territories and experimenting with innovative ideas. Each musician's input is valued, and decisions are made collectively. It often results in a synergy of talents, where the combined energy and enthusiasm enhance the overall performance.

Your cover of the hit track 'Money Heist, Bella Ciao' garnered a lot of attention. How did you come up with the idea for this cover, and what was the creative process behind it?

'Bella Ciao' is a song that I believe does absolute justice to the Spanish genre of music. The creative process involved finding the right balance between the tabla's intricate rhythms and the existing rhythm of the Spanish song. It was a fusion of passion, musical understanding, and experimentation. My goal was to offer a fresh and captivating musical experience that celebrates the beauty of both tabla and Spanish music while connecting with audiences who appreciate the blending of diverse cultural elements.

With such a significant following on social media, how do you stay connected with your fans, and how has their support influenced your musical journey?

The unwavering support from my followers serves as a constant source of motivation, inspiring me to keep creating and pushing my artistic boundaries. It provides valuable insights into what resonates with the audience. Their love and support allow me to share my passion for tabla and music with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Your tabla covers have been shared and celebrated by artists not only in India but also internationally, including DJ Snake. How does it feel to receive recognition and appreciation from artists on a global level?

I'm thrilled and humbled by the recognition for my tabla fusion music. It's truly an honour to see my work resonate with audiences from different cultures and backgrounds. As an artist, I strive to push the boundaries of traditional tabla music and explore new dimensions by fusing it with diverse musical genres. The appreciation and support from renowned artists, including DJ Snake and others, have been incredibly inspiring. It motivates me to continue pushing the envelope and creating innovative compositions that bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary music. It has opened up exciting opportunities to collaborate with musicians from all over the world.

Classical music training plays a crucial role in your tabla-playing skills. How has your training in classical music influenced your approach to creating modern fusion tracks?

Classical music training has been the bedrock of my tabla playing skills, and it has significantly influenced my approach to creating modern fusion tracks. It has given me a deep understanding of the instrument's nuances, intricate rhythms, and diverse techniques. It enables me to understand and synchronize with different musical styles, fostering a harmonious and seamless integration of diverse elements. Overall, my classical music training has been the foundation upon which I build my modern fusion tracks. It serves as a constant reminder of the rich heritage of the tabla while encouraging me to innovate and push the boundaries of this ancient instrument in the context of contemporary music. Embracing both tradition and innovation, I strive to create music that resonates with audiences across cultures and generations.


Nikhil Paralikar-Getting Recognition from Bollywood has been an Incredibly Rewarding Journey
Photo Credit: Nikhil Paralikar Instagram

Apart from tabla covers, do you have plans to create original music or collaborate on projects beyond cover tracks in the future?

Absolutely! While tabla covers have been a fantastic way to showcase my skills and connect with audiences, I am also eager to venture into creating original music and collaborating on diverse projects beyond cover tracks in the future.

How do you continuously work on refining your tabla-playing techniques and exploring new possibilities with the instrument?

As a tabla player, the pursuit of continuous improvement and exploration of new possibilities with the instrument is at the core of my artistic journey. To refine my tabla-playing techniques and push the boundaries of creativity, I engage in several key practices such as regular and focused practice, learning from experienced gurus, exposing myself to a wide range of music genres and styles, collaborating with musicians from different backgrounds and the most important being regular self-evaluation and analysis of my performances enable me to identify strengths and areas needing improvement. This introspection drives me to strive for excellence continuously.

Balancing a successful career in music with other aspects of life can be challenging. How do you manage to maintain this balance and keep the passion for music alive?

Balancing a music career with other aspects of life is indeed a challenge, but it's essential to maintain a sense of equilibrium to sustain my passion for music. Prioritizing my goals helps me focus on what truly matters. I identify my long-term musical aspirations and make decisions aligned with those objectives, which allows me to strike a balance between my music career and personal life. I seek support from family, friends, and a team of professionals who understand my passion for music which helps ease the load and ensures I have time for both my career and personal pursuits. Taking regular breaks is crucial to prevent burnout and recharge creatively. Engaging in hobbies, outdoor activities, or meditation helps me maintain a clear and refreshed mindset.

Are there any dream collaborations you hope to pursue in the future, either with Indian or international artists?

Absolutely! There are several dream collaborations I hope to pursue in the future, both with Indian and international artists. These collaborations would be an exciting opportunity to explore new musical horizons and create something truly unique and captivating. Collaborating with electronic producers or DJs, combining the organic sounds of the tabla with cutting-edge electronic music, would be an exciting and dynamic fusion. Exploring world music collaborations with artists from diverse backgrounds would open up a world of possibilities. Whether it's collaborating with African, Latin American, or Middle Eastern musicians, the fusion of styles would be a celebration of global music.

As 'The Tabla Guy,' what message or impact do you hope to leave on your audience through your music?

As ‘The Tabla Guy,' my ultimate message to the audience is to embrace the power of music as a bridge that connects hearts and transcends cultural boundaries. I aim to showcase the beauty and versatility of this ancient instrument and inspire a profound appreciation for the rich heritage of Indian classical music. My music is a reflection of the harmony between tradition and innovation, and I hope to inspire aspiring musicians to honour their roots while fearlessly exploring new artistic territories.

Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring musicians who want to pursue a career in the music industry, especially those interested in playing traditional instruments in contemporary settings?

To aspiring musicians seeking a career in the music industry, especially those interested in playing traditional instruments in contemporary settings, I would advise investing time and effort in mastering your chosen instrument. Whether it's the tabla or any other traditional instrument, strong foundational skills are essential for success in contemporary music.

Be open to exploring various music genres and styles. Embracing versatility allows you to adapt your traditional instrument to different musical contexts, making you more relevant and appealing to diverse audiences. Networking provides opportunities for learning, exposure, and potential collaborations that can enhance your musical journey.

Familiarize yourself with contemporary music trends and production techniques. Understanding modern music is crucial in infusing traditional sounds into contemporary settings effectively. The music industry can be challenging, and rejection is part of the journey. Stay resilient and maintain your passion for music, even during difficult times. Perseverance is key to long-term success.

Remember, success in the music industry takes time and dedication. Stay committed to your passion and believe in your talent. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and most importantly, enjoy the journey as you share the gift of music with the world.

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