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Exclusive: Sungjemlila Longkumer Shares 5 Skincare Tips

Skincare tips for healthy skin

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Exclusive: Sungjemlila Longkumer Shares 5 Skincare Tips

Photo Credit: Sungjemlila Longkumer Instagram

  • Skincare Tips
  • Hydration is must
  • Check your sunscreen

We often ignore skincare and that is the reason we face a lot of skin-related issues, maybe pimples, acne, or dullness. Popular skincare influencer and certified cosmetologist Sungjemlila Longkumer has shared special skincare tips.


Hydration is the Key:

Hydrate like it's your job! Drinking water is like giving your skin a VIP pass to the hydration party. So chug, chug, chug!

Choice for Sunscreen:

Don't sleep on sunscreen, fam! UV rays are like those toxic exes you want to avoid at all costs. Slap on some SPF and say ‘boy, bye' to sun damage.

Scrubbing Supremacy:

Let's talk about exfoliation! Buff away those dead skin cells like you're scrubbing off last night's regrets. Smooth skin, who dis?

Clean Pillow Covers Can Do Miracles:

Ditch the dirty pillowcases! Your face deserves better than cuddling up with last week's pizza grease. Keep it clean for a complexion as fresh as your Insta feed.

Power Nap:

Slay with some sleep, fam! Beauty sleep isn't just a myth your grandma tells you. Get those Z's like you're training for the Olympics of skincare. Wake up flawless, duh!

These are some pointers highlighted by the influencer, but it's always advisable to consult your dermatologist if you have any skin-related issues.

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