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Exclusive! Patience and Perseverance are Essential Qualities for Success in any Business, says Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas

Pooja was awarded as India's Top 10 Cake Artist by Cakemasters UK in 2022.

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Exclusive! With Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas

Photo Credit: Pooja Sawant-Mohandas

  • Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas is a proud home baker
  • She is also a practising MD Homoeopathic doctor
  • Pooja shared her professional experience with us

Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas is a practising MD Homoeopathic doctor. She is a proud home baker and founder of 'Pooja's Bake by Heart', a home bakery from Mumbai.

Pooja was also awarded as India's Top 10 Cake Artist by Cakemasters UK in 2022. She is a celebrity baker who loves to craft offbeat, out-of-the-box customised cakes for various occasions.

Pooja spoke about her skills, challenges and success stories in an exclusive and undoubtedly delightful conversation.

How do you approach coaching individuals in cake decorating? What methods or techniques do you use?

As a coach in cake decorating, my approach is centred around personalised guidance and effective teaching methods. I understand that each individual has unique learning needs and goals, so I tailor my coaching to accommodate those specific requirements. I believe in hands-on learning, so my coaching sessions involve practical exercises and demonstrations. I provide step-by-step instructions, allowing the individuals to participate and practice the techniques themselves actively. This helps them develop skills, creativity, and attention to detail.


Exclusive! With Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas
Photo Credit: Pooja Sawant-Mohandas

What common challenges or struggles do aspiring cake decorators face, and how do you help them overcome them?

1. Comparision: Home bakers often face the challenge of acquiring orders because the market is saturated with bakery outlets offering cakes at very low prices. These outlets are readily available on every street corner.

2. Cake delivery: Another challenging task is ensuring safe cake delivery, considering factors like poor road conditions, unpredictable weather, and humidity. I exclusively rely on Uber cabs to deliver my cakes to address this. It provides a safer transportation option and offers the advantage of air conditioning. Delivering cakes on bikes often leads to damage, even for cupcakes, due to rough handling.

3. Getting paid: Understanding the payment process for customised cakes and securing full advance payment for booking the cake is crucial. It's important to recognise that last-minute cancellations due to customers' family emergencies or health issues are not the responsibility of the cake artist.

However, I always make an effort to educate my clients. As a home baker, I prioritise quality over quantity. A good cake cannot be cheap, and a cheap cake cannot be good. My top priorities are attention to minute details, the use of high-quality ingredients, and maintaining hygiene.


Exclusive! With Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas
Photo Credit: Pooja Sawant-Mohandas

Can you share your clients' success stories who have achieved their cake decorating goals with your coaching?

I am proud to have many students who are homemakers, individuals who have made the sacrifice of putting their careers on hold for the sake of their families. It's inspiring to see how they have found a way to earn income while staying in the comfort of their own homes, even in their pajamas. Whether their ventures are small or big, the most important thing is that they have achieved self-sufficiency.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in cake decorating?

Thanks to advancements in technology and the influence of social media, I can stay connected with fellow home bakery artists in my fraternity. We regularly engage in discussions, sharing ideas and insights. Additionally, I have a dedicated team of part-time assistants, a group of young individuals whose fresh perspectives contribute to my knowledge of current trends.

Furthermore, my sister plays a significant role in my journey. As a social media manager and YouTuber, she is my strongest support system. She keeps me updated on the latest trends and ensures I remain active on various platforms. We leverage technology and social media to stay connected, inspired, and up-to-date.


Exclusive! With Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas
Photo Credit: Pooja Sawant-Mohandas

Do you offer specialised coaching programs or workshops for specific cake-decorating skills or themes?

Handcrafted figurines are my speciality, and I have a deep passion for sugar craft. I offer one-on-one and group sessions for those interested in learning from me. Private sessions allow for a customised workshop experience, especially for individuals outside Mumbai.

Considering the growing number of inquiries I receive from across the globe, I have also started conducting online workshops. This enables me to connect with and teach students from various locations, allowing them to learn my techniques and skills remotely.

What advice or tips would you give someone just starting their journey in cake decorating?

Patience and perseverance are essential qualities for success in any business. It's important to identify your strengths and weaknesses. In my case, my cake decorating skills are my forte. However, depending on your interests and expertise, you can choose to specialise in various areas, such as healthy bakes, cookies, and brownies, or even focus on creating keto or diabetic-friendly recipes.


Exclusive! With Dr Pooja Sawant-Mohandas
Photo Credit: Pooja Sawant-Mohandas

Uniqueness is key to standing out in a crowd. Even if you receive the same order repeatedly, finding ways to do it slightly differently each time can make a significant impact. This approach helps you avoid becoming stagnant and allows your creativity to flourish as you explore limitless options. By continuously challenging yourself to think outside the box, you can maintain your competitive edge and keep your passion alive.

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