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Exclusive! My Content Is A Reflection Of Who I Am As A Person: Anushka Sen

I don't try to be someone I'm not because people appreciate authenticity: Anushka Sen

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Exclusive! My Content Is A Reflection Of Who I Am As A Person: Anushka Sen

Photo Credit: Anushka Sen's Team

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It won't be too much to say, that she is the dream girl of every boy's dreams. The supremely talented, passionate, Anushka Sen, we are talking about. The diva has exclusively connected with whosthat360 for an interview. In this fun-filled conversation, she gets candid about her journey in showbiz and the impact she is making globally. 


Can you tell us about your experience working on the Prime Video show 'Dil Dosti Dilemma' and how you prepared for your role?

My first Prime Video show, 'Dil Dosti Dilemma', was an amazing experience. It's a happy-go-lucky, easy watch that feels like a warm hug. I'm grateful to play the protagonist, Asmara.

Director Debbie Rao helped me understand Asmara's backstory and the relatable journey of all characters. To prepare, I identified similarities and differences between Asmara and myself, created a playlist for the character, and read the story repeatedly to grasp her full background. This approach helped me bring Asmara to life.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of playing a character in 'Dil Dosti Dilemma' and how has the audience reception impacted you?

The most rewarding aspect of playing Asmara in 'Dil Dosti Dilemma' was hearing from fans about how relatable the show is. They often describe it as feeling like a warm hug. The best part is that it's a show you can watch with anyone. I've heard stories of people watching it with their mothers, grandparents, and entire families. Knowing that our show is bringing families together to watch TV after a long time made me feel really happy. That was truly beautiful.

You're set to make your debut in South Korean cinema with the movie 'Asia'. How did this opportunity come about, and what does it mean to you to represent India in Korean cinema?

During COVID, I got into Korean cinema, K-dramas, and K-pop. I often joked with my mom about how cool it would be to collaborate with other Asian countries, though I didn't think it was possible. Then, I received an email from Asia Lab about a film called 'Asia', in which they wanted me to play a part.

We had Zoom calls to discuss the film, an action thriller featuring people from all over Asia. I'm playing an assassin, and it feels amazing to represent India. Contributing to India's success on a global stage is incredibly rewarding. I'm grateful for this opportunity and excited to shoot the second schedule.

Congratulations on being appointed as the Honorary Brand Ambassador of Korean Tourism! What do you think this role signifies for your career and your influence globally?

I'm really grateful for the opportunity, especially considering the global impact of the Korean wave or Hallyu. Korean cinema and collaborations are happening worldwide, and I feel honored to be the brand ambassador for Korean tourism. This role allowed me to explore lesser-known places in Korea beyond Seoul, which was an amazing experience.

Our cultures are quite similar—both India and Korea are warm and hospitable. It was heartening to see these similarities firsthand. This opportunity is significant for my career as it's the first time someone from India is working in Korean cinema and serving as a brand ambassador for Korean tourism. It's truly amazing to be part of this.

With over 50 million followers on social media and 39.2 million on Instagram alone, how do you manage to keep your content engaging and connect with such a vast audience?

My content is a reflection of who I am as a person. I don't try to be someone I'm not because people appreciate authenticity. I've stuck to this approach for the past six or seven years, and I believe it has helped people connect with me, both through my characters and on social media.

It's heartening to see that some people have followed me since we were kids, while others have discovered me through my current shows or social media platforms. Whether it's long or short format, I keep my content engaging by simply being myself.

How do you balance your acting career, endorsements, and maintaining a strong social media presence? What strategies do you use to stay relevant and engaged with your fans?

The balance comes with discipline and time management. As actors, we juggle many things, and since childhood, I've had to manage studies, co-curricular activities, and my acting career. There's no specific strategy; it's about being organic and original. If you try to be someone you're not, people will see through the fakeness. They connect with your true self, including your flaws and unique personality. It doesn't have to focus solely on flaws, but being genuine is what has worked for me.

Your journey in the entertainment industry has been inspirational for many young aspirants. What advice would you give to those who look up to you and wish to follow a similar path?

I'm too young to give advice, but I'd like to share my perspective. Sometimes things feel very difficult, almost impossible, but they're not. I wouldn't be here without the support of my family, fans, and the people around me.

One piece of advice I can offer is to surround yourself with the right people, as they will help you through tough times. And never give up on your dreams. When things seem impossible, that's when you need to be stronger and persevere because that's when you make real progress in life.

Can you share some insights into your upcoming projects and collaborations? What can your fans look forward to in the near future?

I'm incredibly excited for this year. 2024 started with a bang with 'Dil Dosti Dilemma' being a success on Amazon Prime. Now, I'm eagerly anticipating my next project, which is coming out very soon. I initially thought it would be in the second half of the year, but it's happening much sooner than expected. I'm already involved in dubbing and other post-production tasks. I can't reveal what it is, but I can assure you that you should be excited. It's a significant shift and very different from "Dil Dosti Dilemma."

How do you feel about being compared to global Indian stars like Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra, especially with your influence in the East while they dominate in the West?

There's no comparison at all. They're legendary and my inspirations. I'm grateful to be able to do what I do at this age. I've explored a new side where nobody has gone before and taken India with me. Like you said, exploring the East, which nobody has done. I'm really excited and want to do my best, focusing on taking inspiration from the best people.

Reflecting on your journey so far, what do you consider your biggest achievement, and what goals do you have for the future as you continue to grow your career globally?

My biggest achievement is consistency and resilience over the past decade. "Dil Dosti Dilemma" is a significant project for me, fulfilling a dream of doing a rom-com on a big platform. Representing India is also a proud moment. Looking ahead, I aim to create better content, entertain, inspire, and grow my career globally, possibly exploring the West next.

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