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Dermatologist Dispels 5 Common Skincare Myths; Read Here

Dr. Garekar's Skincare Myths Busted: Unraveling the Truth About Active Ingredients.

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Dermatologist Dispels 5 Common Skincare Myths; Read Here

Photo Credit: Dr. Garekar Instagram

  • Morning Salicylic Acid?
  • Retinoids Aren't Skin-Thinners
  • Glycolic Acid for Indian Skin

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, Dr. Garekar, a prominent dermatologist, takes to Instagram to debunk five common myths surrounding active ingredients. Let's delve into the truths she unravels:

Morning Salicylic Acid? Yes, Indeed!

One prevalent myth is that salicylic acid should only be used at night. Dr. Garekar dispels this misconception, stating that salicylic acid doesn't make your skin photosensitive. It can be incorporated into your morning routine as a toner, serum, or gel. Learn how to make the most of this powerhouse ingredient for a refreshed start to your day.

Retinoids: Not Skin-Thinners, but Skin Heroes!

Contrary to popular belief, retinoids don't thin your skin. Dr. Garekar emphasizes that retinoids, unlike steroids, stimulate new collagen production and vasculature. Over time, they contribute to making your skin stronger and more resilient. Say goodbye to the myth that retinoids compromise skin thickness!

Glycolic Acid for Indian Skin: A Perfect Match When Used Right!

Is glycolic acid suitable for Indian skin? Dr. Garekar answers with a resounding yes. She highlights that glycolic acid is one of the best ingredients for pigmentation in Indian skin, but the key lies in using the right formulation, strength, and frequency. Learn how to harness the power of glycolic acid for radiant and even-toned skin.

Snail Mucin's True Role: Hydration, Not Miracle Cure!

Dr. Garekar addresses the misconception that snail mucin can treat open pores, acne scars, and fine lines. While snail mucin is a good hydrating product, it doesn't have a direct role in reducing pigmentation or stimulating collagen. Discover its true benefits and how to incorporate it into your skincare routine for optimal hydration.

Vitamin C in the Morning: A Must for Environmental Defense!

The final myth tackled by Dr. Garekar is about using vitamin C in the morning. She affirms that vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants, protecting your skin from environmental and photodamage. Learn why incorporating vitamin C into your morning routine, alongside sunscreen, is a powerful combination for maintaining healthy and radiant skin.

In a world filled with skincare myths, Dr. Garekar's insights provide clarity and empower skincare enthusiasts to make informed choices for a glowing complexion. Let's bid farewell to misconceptions and embrace a skincare routine based on science and expertise.

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