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Combat Premature Greying with Kalonji: A Magical Hair Mask by Somya Bisla

Somya Bisla shares an effective hair mask recipe using kalonji to address premature greying of hair.

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Combat Premature Greying with Kalonji: A Magical Hair Mask by Somya Bisla

Photo Credit: Somya Bisla Instagram

  • Somya Bisla is a lifestyle, hair, and fashion influencer
  • She shares an magical hair mask for premature greying
  • This hair mark is effective to deal with greying of mane

Are you struggling with premature greying of hair and searching for a natural remedy? Kalonji, also known as black seed, is renowned for its potential in combating premature greying due to its rich antioxidant content. Influencer Somya Bisla introduces a magical hair mask that harnesses the power of kalonji to help maintain healthy hair and possibly prevent greying.

The Benefits of Kalonji for Hair

Rich in Antioxidants and Essential Nutrients

Kalonji is packed with antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and free radicals, which are major contributors to premature ageing, including hair greying. Additionally, it contains essential nutrients such as B vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that play a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair and potentially preventing greying.

Strengthening Hair Follicles

Regular application of kalonji oil or consumption of its seeds can strengthen hair follicles, enhance overall hair health, and may slow down the greying process. Though scientific evidence is limited, some believe that kalonji oil supports melanin production, the pigment responsible for hair color.

Somya Bisla's Magical Kalonji Hair Mask Recipe

Somya Bisla shares an easy-to-make hair mask recipe using kalonji. Follow these steps to prepare and use the hair mask:

  • Roast Kalonji Seeds: Roast the kalonji seeds for 5-10 minutes on low flame.
  • Grind into Powder: Once roasted, grind the seeds into a fine powder.
  • Mix with Oils: Add coconut oil and castor oil to the kalonji powder and mix well.
  • Sun Infusion: Leave the mixture in the sun for a week to enhance its potency.
  • Apply to Scalp: Apply the mixture to your scalp 2-3 times a week.
  • Leave On: Keep it on your scalp for at least 2 hours.
  • Shampoo: Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Customizing the Hair Mask

You can customize Somya Bisla's hair mask recipe to better suit your needs. For instance, adding curry leaves can provide additional nutrients. After a week of infusion, you can strain out the black seeds from the mixture before application. Feel free to enhance the recipe as per your choice for optimal results.

Kalonji, with its rich nutrient profile and antioxidant properties, offers a promising natural remedy for premature greying of hair. By incorporating Somya Bisla's magical hair mask into your hair care routine, you can strengthen your hair follicles, improve overall hair health, and potentially slow down the greying process. Try this easy and customizable recipe to maintain vibrant, healthy hair naturally.

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