
Sylvio Roy

  • Born -
  • Nationality Canadian
  • Hometown Kingston, Ontario, Canada
  • Place of Birth Kingston, Ontario, Canada
  • Zodiac Sign -
  • Marital Status Married
  • Hobbies Traveling
  • Education Graduate
  • Profession Travel Influencer
Sylvio Roy is a captivating travel influencer who has a deep passion for exploring the world from above. One of Sylvio's greatest passions is discovering remote and untouched islands, hidden gems scattered across the vast oceans. From the moment he soars above these secluded isles, his excitement is contagious, as he unveils their untouched beauty to his audience. His ability to showcase these remote locations from a bird's-eye view provides a unique perspective that leaves viewers in awe, inspiring them to venture beyond the ordinary and seek out their own off-the-beaten-path destinations.