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Take a Nostalgic Trip to a Rainy Day in 90's With Dolly Singh

With monsoon around the corner, Dolly Singh shared a reel depicting life on rainy days.

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Take a Nostalgic Trip to a Rainy Day in 90's With Dolly Singh

Photo Credit: Dolly Singh Instagram

  • Dolly Singh shared a mini skit on her Instagram
  • It is written, directed, and edited by her
  • Netizens send love to her in the comments section


Call it the impact of Bollywood or the magic of monsoon, but rain creates a mystical connection with everyone. The pleasing aroma of wet soil and dancing with joy in the drizzle, anything and everything can uplift one's mood.

A Trip to 90's

Time has changed several things. Not only as we have grown older but also the way we perceive things. Remember those good old days when little things would make you happy? When rainfall was not only to post an Instagram story but to get a day off from school. Giving a nostalgic trip to those old days and pockets of happiness, Dolly Singh posted an adorable Instagram reel.

Lights, Camera, Action!

The dark lighting resonates with the theme of a 90's rainy day. Being the skilful actor she is, Dolly plays the part of mini Dolly, her mother and father. Dressed in a school uniform with colourful hairclips, Dolly asks her mother for polythene to cover the books from the rain. As her mother cooks in the kitchen, their conversation perfectly depicts the middle-class lifestyle.

Little Things Matter

The slow pace of the skit offers details and adds value to the script. Have you ever gotten lost in cartoons and not remembered to eat? And your mom will poke you for getting late for school. Dolly presented each of the minute detail of life in a captivating way. The family illustrates such sweet moments together with banter among parents. The lighting turns darker as the electricity goes off. With a subtle touch of emotion, Dolly beautifully portrays the struggle of middle-class families.

It's a Holiday!

The greatest delight of childhood was to get a holiday from school. As Dolly gets a day off from school due to rain, she draws pictures in her art book. Maintaining the touch of reality, Dolly eats lunch from the one packed for school. The family has lunch together and shares precious moments. The candlelight lunch reference makes one search for happiness in such little things.

Dolly's video doesn't only give a nostalgic trip but makes one feel grateful for the good parts of life. Her immaculate script, direction, and acting bring out her best version.

Also Read:

Pics: Dolly Singh's Captivating Photos Offer a Glimpse of Pure Bliss 

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