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Quick and Delicious Honey Garlic Butter Prawns by Nayanjyoti Saikia

Time to try Nayanjyoti Saikia's super-quick and flavorful honey garlic butter prawns for a quick yet gourmet meal that can be prepared in just 20 minutes.

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Quick and Delicious Honey Garlic Butter Prawns by Nayanjyoti Saikia

Photo Credit: Nayanjyoti Saikia Instagram

  • Nayanjyoti Saikia is a digital food influencer
  • He was the winner of MasterChef India Season 7
  • He brings you super-quick honey garlic butter prawns recipe

Are you looking for a quick yet gourmet meal that packs a punch of flavor? Look no further! Nayanjyoti Saikia, the winner of MasterChef India Season 7 and a renowned digital food influencer, brings you his mouthwatering honey garlic butter prawns recipe. Ready in just 20 minutes, this dish is perfect for those who want a speedy yet delicious meal.

Ingredients for Honey Garlic Butter Prawns

  • 250g prawns (washed and deveined)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • Green onions or coriander for garnish

Honey Garlic Butter Prawns: Quick and Easy Preparation

The beauty of this recipe lies in its simplicity and speed. Here's how you can prepare this flavorful prawns:

  • In a bowl, mix the honey, soy sauce, lemon juice, salt, and black pepper. Add the prawns and let them marinate for about 10 minutes.
  • Heat a pan over medium-high heat and then add the butter. Once the butter has melted and starts to bubble, add the marinated prawns.
  • Then, cook the prawns for about 2-3 minutes on each side until they turn pink and are cooked perfectly. The honey will caramelize slightly, adding a delicious glaze.
  • Place the prawns on the serving place and garnish it with chopped green onions or fresh coriander.

Why This Recipe is a Must-Try

This honey garlic butter prawns recipe is not only quick and easy but also incredibly flavorful. The combination of flavors that of sweet honey, savory soy sauce and tangy lemon juice makes it perfect for any occasion.

Nayanjyoti Saikia's honey garlic butter prawns are a testament to how simple ingredients and quick preparation can result in a gourmet meal. Ready in just 20 minutes, this dish is perfect for anyone who loves delicious, flavorful food without the fuss. Try this recipe and enjoy a taste of gourmet cooking from the MasterChef India winner himself!

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