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Mango Sandesh Sandwich: A Healthy and Delicious Dessert by Chef Aruna Vijay

Chef Aruna Vijay shares a healthy and delicious Mango Sandesh Sandwich recipe, perfect for dessert lovers.

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Mango Sandesh Sandwich: A Healthy and Delicious Dessert by Chef Aruna Vijay

Photo Credit: Aruna Vijay Instagram

  • Chef Aruna Vijay is also a food influencer
  • She shares Mango Sandesh Sandwich Recipe
  • This dessert is healthy and delicious

Did you know Rasamali was ranked as the second-best cheese dessert in the world? While it's a delightful treat, Chef Aruna Vijay believes Sandesh holds a special place for its simplicity and health benefits. She shares her innovative Mango Sandesh Sandwich recipe, blending the sweetness of mangoes with the richness of homemade paneer.

Mango Sandesh Sandwich Recipe: Ingredients

  • Homemade paneer: 200 gms
  • Powdered sugar: 4 tbsp
  • Cardamom powder: 1/2 tsp
  • Sliced Alphonso mangoes: 2

Mango Sandesh Sandwich: Step-by-Step Recipe

1. Make Fresh Homemade Chenna: Start by preparing fresh homemade chenna (paneer). Mash the chenna with the heel of your palm until smooth.

2. Mix Ingredients: Add powdered sugar and cardamom powder to the mashed chenna. Mix until well combined.

3. Prepare the Sandesh: Divide the mixture into two equal portions and flatten each on cling wrap.

4. Assemble the Sandwich: Place sliced Alphonso mangoes on one flattened portion. Carefully cover with the other portion to create a sandwich.

5. Set Overnight: Wrap the entire sandwich in cling wrap and let it set overnight in the refrigerator.

6. Serve: Cut the Mango Sandesh Sandwich with a sharp knife and serve fresh.

Chef Aruna Vijay's Mango Sandesh Sandwich is a quick, healthy, and delicious dessert perfect for any occasion. The combination of homemade paneer and fresh mangoes offers a refreshing twist to the traditional Sandesh. Try this recipe and enjoy a delightful treat that's both nutritious and tasty.

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