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The Importance of Protein: Rujuta Diwekar Explains Its Key Functions and How to Meet Your Protein Needs

Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar shares the essential functions of protein and why it's crucial to get the right amount from traditional and regional food practices.

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The Importance of Protein: Rujuta Diwekar Explains Its Key Functions and How to Meet Your Protein Needs

Photo Credit: Rujuta Diwekar Instagram

  • Rujuta Diwekar is a famous Nutritionist and digital creator
  • She shares 3 main functions of protein
  • She also shares why getting the right amount of protein is important

Have you ever wondered why protein is such a crucial part of our diet? Protein plays a vital role in the growth, repair, and maintenance of every cell and tissue in our body. Rujuta Diwekar, a renowned nutritionist and digital creator, sheds light on the importance of protein and offers practical advice on how to meet your protein needs without straying from your traditional or regional food practices. Let's explore the key functions of protein and how you can ensure you're getting the right amount in your diet.

The Three Main Functions of Protein: Growth, Repair, and Maintenance

What exactly does protein do for our bodies? According to Rujuta Diwekar, protein is essential for three main functions:

Growth: Protein is crucial for the growth and development of our body, especially during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy. It helps build and repair tissues, making it a key nutrient for overall physical development.

Repair: Protein plays a vital role in repairing damaged cells and tissues. Whether it's healing a wound, recovering from an injury, or rebuilding muscle after exercise, protein is the building block that helps our body recover and stay strong.

Maintenance: Protein is not just about building and repairing; it also helps maintain the health of our cells and tissues on a daily basis. From supporting immune function to maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails, protein is involved in almost every bodily process.

Meeting Your Protein Requirements: Stick to Tradition and Region

How can you meet your protein needs without compromising your traditional food practices? Rujuta Diwekar emphasizes the importance of sticking to your traditional and regional diets when it comes to protein intake. Here's how you can do it:

Stay True to Heritage Practices: There's no need to shift from being vegetarian to consuming non-vegetarian foods just to increase protein intake. Rujuta advises against making drastic changes to your diet that stray from your heritage practices. Traditional vegetarian foods can provide adequate protein when consumed in the right proportions.

Respect Regional Food Practices: You don't need to rely on regional foods like sattu or makhana solely as protein sources. While they are part of regional diets, they should be consumed as part of your cultural heritage, not just for their protein content.

Avoid Altering Time-Tested Recipes: Rujuta cautions against altering traditional recipes to boost protein content, such as increasing urad dal in idli preparation or removing yolks from eggs. These changes can disrupt the balance of nutrients and may lead to digestive issues.

Skip International Protein Sources: There's no need to rely on international protein sources like edamame, peanut butter, or Greek yogurt. While these foods can be enjoyed for variety, they shouldn't replace traditional protein sources in your diet.

Digestibility of Protein: Quality Over Quantity

Why is digestibility more important than just consuming protein? Rujuta Diwekar highlights that the digestibility of protein is crucial for its effectiveness in the body. Consuming high amounts of protein is pointless if your body cannot digest and absorb it properly. Poor digestion can lead to issues like gas, bloating, and the overuse of supplements. Instead of focusing on consuming more protein, it's essential to ensure that the protein you eat is easily digestible and assimilated by your body.

Protein is a vital nutrient that supports growth, repair, and maintenance in our bodies. Rujuta Diwekar's insights remind us that we can meet our protein needs without straying from traditional and regional food practices. By focusing on the quality and digestibility of protein rather than just the quantity, we can ensure that our bodies get the nourishment they need. Stick to your heritage, respect regional diets, and make thoughtful choices about your protein intake for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

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