
Smriti Discusses Five Toxic Morning Habits You Need To Give Up

Smriti, a well-known yoga teacher and health expert, highlights five toxic habits that destroy your health.

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Smriti Discusses Five Toxic Morning Habits You Need To Give Up

Photo Credit: Smriti Instagram

  • Smriti is a yoga teacher
  • Habits that are harmful to health
  • Dont skip exercise

As a yoga teacher and health expert, I have seen the impact of morning routines on overall well-being. A good start to the day can set the tone for a productive, energetic, and healthy lifestyle. However, some common morning habits can be detrimental to your health. Here, I share five toxic habits to avoid after waking up to ensure you maintain optimal health.

Having Tea or Coffee Immediately After Waking Up

Many people start their day with a cup of tea or coffee, thinking it helps to wake them up and kick-start their day. However, consuming these on an empty stomach can lead to several health issues over time. Drinking tea or coffee first thing in the morning can cause indigestion, acidity, and poor gut health. These beverages can restore the production of stomach acid, which can lead to digestive problems if your stomach is empty.

Using Your Phone After Waking Up

This habit can have several negative effects on your health. Checking your phone immediately can lower your cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which can lead to a bad mood and increased stress throughout the day. High cortisol levels can also negatively impact your digestive and reproductive health. Instead of scrolling through your phone, try spending a few moments in silence, meditating, or practicing deep breathing exercises to start your day with a calm and positive mindset.

Not Having a Fixed Schedule

Regular gut movements are crucial for maintaining good health. Not having a fixed schedule, especially after waking up, can lead to several issues. Irregular bowel movements can cause constipation, bloating, and bad digestion, which in turn can affect your mood, mind, and skin health. Establishing a routine for your inside movements can help regulate your digestive system and improve overall health.

Not Taking Time for Yourself

Taking time for yourself can often be overlooked. However, starting your day without dedicating some personal time can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress levels throughout the day. Taking time for yourself in the morning can involve anything from a few minutes of meditation, journaling, or simply enjoying a quiet cup of herbal tea. This practice helps to center your mind, set intentions for the day, and improve your overall mental health and productivity.

Skipping Exercise

Exercise is essential for maintaining physical and mental health, and skipping it can have harmful effects. Regular morning exercise boosts your energy levels, improves your mood, and enhances your overall health. It helps to regulate your metabolism, improve digestion, and keep your body fit and active. Even a short workout session in the morning can make a significant difference in your health and well-being.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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