
Shikha Mehra's Take on Yoga: Why Consistent Practice Matters

Shikha Mehra, a wellness expert, shares her advice on how to get long-term benefits from yoga.

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Shikha Mehra's Take on Yoga: Why Consistent Practice Matters

Photo Credit: Shikha Mehra Instagram

  • Shikha Mehra, a famous wellness expert
  • How should your yoga practice be?
  • Why consistent practice matter in yoga?

Many people are eager to see the consequences of yoga after only a few days of exercise. Shikha Mehra, a wellbeing expert, explains why such expectations might be unrealistic and how to approach yoga for long-term benefits. Here's a look at her recommendation, shared by Patanjali's Yoga Sutras:

Yoga Requires Long-Term Commitment: According to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the proper blessings of yoga come from steady and long-term exercise. The sutras emphasize that stability and firmness are best achieved when yoga is practiced constantly and with devotion.

Quick Results Are Not Likely: Practicing yoga for a couple of days won't lead to big changes right away. Yoga has a gradual effect on you, and real change takes time.

Turn Yoga Into a Daily Habit: Shikha Mehra points out that yoga should become a regular part of your everyday routine. It's not something you do for a short while but a change in how you live that boosts your overall health.

Stay Patient: You'll succeed in yoga if you stay patient and keep at it. By doing yoga , you'll begin to see your physical health mental focus, and emotional balance get better.

Slow But Steady Improvements: When you keep up with yoga , you'll notice positive shifts in yourself. Yoga's journey helps you build a stronger bond with yourself and reach a balanced mindset and body.

To short, don't lose heart if yoga doesn't show quick results. Knowing that yoga needs long-term dedication can keep you going. If you follow Shikha Mehra's tips and make yoga a steady part of your routine, you'll see the good changes it can bring about.

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