
Greesha Dhingra on the Best Meal Timing for Your Body

Greesha Dhingra shares her insights on which meal should be the heaviest and how to align your eating habits with your body's natural rhythms.

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Greesha Dhingra on the Best Meal Timing for Your Body

Photo Credit: Greesha Dhingra Instagram

  • Greesha Dhingra, a famous holistic yoga teacher
  • She shares her thoughts on - Heaviest meal of the day?
  • Read on which meal works best for the body

Have you ever wondered which meal should be the heaviest of the day? Greesha Dhingra, a renowned holistic yoga teacher, offers a refreshing perspective that challenges common eating habits. According to Greesha, aligning your meals with the sun's natural rhythms and understanding your body's needs can make a significant difference in your overall health. She emphasizes the importance of mindful eating and shares her advice on making lunch your most indulgent meal while keeping breakfast and dinner light.

Heaviest Meal of the Day: Lunch is Your Best Bet

Greesha Dhingra suggests that while no meal should be overly heavy, lunch is the best time to indulge. Eaten between 12 PM and 2 PM, it aligns with the body's peak digestive power. Unlike breakfast and dinner, lunch allows you to enjoy grains, vegetables, and even a small dessert without overwhelming your system.

The Sun Connection: Digestive Fire and Meal Timing

Greesha's philosophy is simple: follow the sun. Our digestion is strongest when the sun is at its peak, making lunch the ideal main meal. A light evening meal before 7:30 PM helps avoid storing excess calories, supporting better health.

Breakfast: Keep It Light and Watery

Greesha recommends a light, easy-to-digest breakfast with watery meals like porridge, millet khichdi, or dalia. For sedentary lifestyles, warm herbal water, fruits, and nuts are ideal. Avoid heavy foods like parathas, which strain the body early on.

Lunch: A Time for Moderation and Enjoyment

Lunch is your moment to enjoy a balanced meal with grains, curry, vegetables, and even a small sweet treat. This meal is when your body can best process and use nutrients, allowing for variety without feeling overly full.

Dinner: Keep It Early and Light

Dinner should be light and eaten early, preferably by 7:30 PM. Greesha advises warm, easy-to-digest meals like vegetables, soup, or chila. For better sleep, a small cup of milk can be consumed two hours after dinner.

Greesha Dhingra emphasizes the importance of aligning your meals with your body's natural rhythms. Making lunch the heaviest meal, having a light breakfast, and eating an early dinner support digestion and overall health. It's not just what you eat, but when and how much, that makes all the difference.

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