
Get Fit with Kristian Ebenezer: Insights from an Expert | Exclusive

Unveiling fitness secrets of Kristian Ebenezer

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Get Fit with Kristian Ebenezer: Insights from an Expert | Exclusive

Photo Credit: Kristian Ebenezer Instagram

  • Kristian Ebenezer is a fitness coach
  • Kristian Ebenezer: It all just falls into place...
  • "Doesnt matter what time of the day, just work out"

Kristian Ebenezer- a fitness coach has opened up about his fitness game with whosthat360 exclusively. He has shared a few pro tips and tricks about fitness.


What's your go-to exercise to instantly revitalize and refresh?

Anything to do with the power to kickstart my neuro: Power Cleans / Snatch etc.

How do you maintain a consistent workout routine and stay driven?

By working around my Training Frequency so my rest and recovery are always taken care of

What's your favorite nutritious snack or meal that fuels your body?

A Pryme protein bar

Do you prefer flying solo or having a workout partner to push you to new heights?

Flying Solo

What's your top tip for incorporating exercise into a jam-packed schedule?

Always find time. Set your mind to always get the work done. Doesn't matter what time of the day. Just get it done

How do you overcome stagnation and continue making progress in your fitness journey?

By having a well-planned Training  Module for myself.

What's your favorite way to unwind and rejuvenate after an intense workout?


Which fitness influencer's Instagram account do you turn to for motivation and guidance?

Currently, no one

How do you commemorate a fitness achievement and treat yourself?

⁠Like I said..doing what I love is itself an achievement by itself. Right now..it's a jackpot every time I can find time to workout or go for a run.

How do you juggle work and personal life while prioritizing fitness?

When you've been doing this for a long time. It all just falls into place or you compartmentalize things the right way I guess

What's your most ambitious fitness goal on the horizon?

To take a year off and only do Ironman races across the world

What words of wisdom would you share with someone just starting their fitness journey?

⁠Be willing to put in the work without expecting any reward. If you're good, you will love it. If you're in it for the gram. It might not be your scene.

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