
Exclusive: Fitness Talk with Karan Singh

Karan Singh gets into a candid conversation with whosthat360 about fitness.

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Exclusive: Fitness Talk with Karan Singh

Photo Credit: Karan Singh Instagram

  • Karan Singh is a popular fitness enthusiast
  • He discusses various fitness aspects exclusively on whosthat360
  • Karan: Fitness to me is based on what you do...

Karan Singh, a popular fitness enthusiast gets chatty about various aspects of fitness with whosthat360 exclusively. He reveals what fitness means to him personally and much more.

Here are the edited excerpts from the delightful conversation;

What does fitness mean to you?

It's part of who I am. Fitness to me is based on what you do with your body and mind on a day-to-day basis. From how you eat to support your physical training and the people you surround yourself with, it all adds up.

What are the basic exercises that people tend to ignore?

Just getting outdoors for a walk or a light jog. Playing any sport is basic, it's active and most importantly gets you going mentally.

Does walking as a way to stay healthy count?

Of course, it's a thing I've been doing for the past few years with my wife. Sometimes with my kids too! We walk at a brisk pace and talk too. It's an awesome way to spend time together too!

What are the benefits of walking?

The biggest benefit is mental, whether you're walking along with your own thoughts or with someone, it adds quality thought processes for the day. Physically, it's not a strenuous activity for most and can be undertaken without any pressure of achieving a pace-related goal.

How do you think people can make walking enjoyable?

Walk with someone you enjoy being around so you can chat and chill too. I do that! Walking is my healthy and chill time.

How can people find ways to get back to their fitness regime if they lose touch?

Commit to yourself for certain days and times in a week. Like that's nonnegotiable! You can gradually start with really low-intensity fitness regimes and slowly build it up.

What are the ways that a person can track the number of steps they have walked?

I would rather just walk…try and put a genuine reason to do this long term rather than tracking steps and kilometers, at least to start with.

Is it advisable to invest in gadgets that help them track their steps?

Yes, you can do that for sure. It helps if you're one to calculate your mileage.

Drinking water while walking - what are your thoughts? 

This depends upon where you live, what time of day you're walking, and your fitness, and daily hydration levels. If you need some water and feel the need for it, you must. But stay hydrated during the day so that the walks are more fueled.

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