
Exclusive: Fitness Secrets Revealed Ft. Varun Sood

Varun Sood opens up about his fitness game

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Exclusive: Fitness Secrets Revealed Ft. Varun Sood

Photo Credit: Varun Sood Instagram

  • Varun Sood shares his fitness regime
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Varun Sood is known for his amazing fitness. In an exclusive rapid fire with whosthat360, he opens up about his fitness regime.


What is your go-to exercise for a quick energy boost?

It has to be skipping.

How do you stay motivated to work out regularly?

I think it's a lifestyle. So I see it as a routine. Hence I do not have to drag myself to train

What is your favorite healthy snack or meal?

Dry fruits

What is the most challenging fitness goal you've achieved so far?

I think for karma calling I have to drop down to 7% body fat. That was extremely difficult.

What is your favorite form of cardio exercise?

Playing basketball 


Photo Credit: Varun Sood Instagram

Do you prefer working out alone or with a partner?

I usually train alone

What is your top tip for fitting exercise into a busy schedule?

It's easy to spare 30 mins a day to train. Even 30 minutes of walking will keep you active enough 

How do you overcome workout plateaus and keep making progress?

I change it up now and then

What is your favorite way to recover and relax after a tough workout?

I have recently started taking ice baths

What is your favorite fitness Instagram account to follow?

I just follow a bunch of NBA athletes and usually read about their workout regimens


Photo Credit: Varun Sood Instagram

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance while prioritizing fitness?

For me, fitness is a basic necessity. So I don't see it as a different thing from my basic routine. 

What is your biggest fitness goal for the future?

My goal is to be mobile and strong for as long as I can. 

What is your advice for someone who is just starting out on their fitness journey?

It's a long road and a tough one. But its worth it

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