
Boost Your Energy levels with Shivangi Desai's Expert Tips

Struggling with low energy levels? Discover Shivangi Desai's expert advice for boosting energy levels.

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Boost Your Energy levels with Shivangi Desai's Expert Tips

Photo Credit: Shivangi Desai Instagram

  • Shivangi Desai, a health coach
  • She shares the top 3 reasons for low energy
  • How can you boost your energy levels?

Are you one of those people who is always tired? Shivangi Desai, a health coach, explains the top three causes of low energy. Addressing these difficulties can help you feel more energetic and alive.

1) Check Your Vitamin Levels

A lot of people depend on their willpower to get through the day. But, even the most powerful willpower can only go so far if your body supports you. A low level of essential vitamins such as vitamin D and B12 might make you feel exhausted. To avoid this, get a blood test every six months to make sure your body has enough vitamin D and B12. If your body does not have enough vitamin D and B12, you have to take supplements or change your diet to increase these important nutrients.

2) Stress Overload

Too much stress can drain your energy quickly. When you are stressed, your body works extra to manage the pressure, which causes exhaustion. High stress levels might also increase stress-related exhaustion disorder (ED). It's critical to manage stress by using relaxation techniques, setting boundaries, and taking time for self-care. Managing stress can help you feel more energized and balanced.

3) Obesity

Any type of excess fat in the body puts a strain on your body, causing your organs to work harder and leaving you tired. Obesity can cause low energy levels as your body attempts to keep up with the extra works. Losing weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise may reduce this stress and make you feel more energized. Allowing your body to rest after the extra effort will help you to  improve your overall energy levels.

Checking your vitamin levels, controlling stress, and keeping a healthy weight will help you address the common reasons of low energy. Taking these actions can help you feel more energized and ready to face your day. Remember that even small changes may have a big difference in how you feel!

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