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Protect Yourself From Hospital Bill Scams: Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen

Follow Mohmed Abubacker's advice to avoid overpaying for medical services.

Mohmed Abubacker,Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen,medical services,finance expert,Beware of Hospital Bill Scams,hospital bills,hospital bills scams,GST

Protect Yourself From Hospital Bill Scams: Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen

Photo Credit: Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen Instagram

  • Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen, a finance expert
  • Beware of Hospital Bill Scams!
  • Don't pay your hospital bills without knowing this

Did you know that GST shouldn't be charged on certain medical services? Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen recently shared a reel where he explains why GST shouldn't be charged on certain medical services. He shows a real-life scenario to highlight common mistakes.

The Real-life Scenario

In his reel, Mohmed Abubacker shared a conversation with a hospital executive regarding a bill:

Hospital executive: Sir, I believe you are perfectly all right. Your bill is Rs. 1.75 lakh only.

Mohmed Abubacker: 1.75 lakhs? Let me check the bill. Why did you charge GST for my room bill?

Executive: Sir, aren't you aware GST is something we need to pay the government?

Mohmed Abubacker: I think you need to read more about GST. If the hospital room rent is below Rs. 5000, then it's not supposed to have GST, and my room rent was only Rs. 3500.

Executive: Sorry for the mistake. Let me change the bill, sir.

Mohmed Abubacker: Moreover, I know GST is not applicable to certain medical services like doctor diagnosis, treatment, or care, which includes doctor fees, ambulance, X-rays, and all that. But you've added GST to those exempted treatments. So please revise the bill now.

Executive: Okay sir, I will revise the bill right now.

Key Tips to Remember

Before paying your hospital bills, keep these simple questions in mind:

  • Do I need a detailed breakdown of the charges?
  • Are there any suspicious signs of a scam?
  • Was my insurance billed correctly?

By using Mohmed Abubacker's tips, you can save a lot of money. It's crucial to double-check for GST charges, especially on medical services. Be aware of the GST exemptions on medical services. If your hospital room rent is below Rs. 5000, GST should not be charged. Also, ensure that services like doctor fees, ambulance, and X-rays are not incorrectly billed with GST.

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