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How to Save on Hotel Room Rent: Tips from Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen

Learn how knowing GST rates on hotel room rents can save you money and prevent overcharging.

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How to Save on Hotel Room Rent: Tips from Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen

Photo Credit: Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen Instagram

  • Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen is a popular finance influencer
  • He shares informative content on how to save on hotel room rents
  • Double-check to avoid being overcharged on hotel rooms

Ever wondered how to save on hotel room rent and avoid being overcharged? Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen, a popular finance influencer, shares an informative tip that can help save you a lot on hotel room rent. His content is focused on helping people understand and navigate financial intricacies, and his latest advice is a game-changer for travelers.

The Importance of Knowing GST Rates on Hotel Room Rents

When booking a hotel room, understanding the applicable GST rates is crucial to avoid paying extra and ensure you're not overcharged. Did you know that the tax rate changes based on the room price? If your room rent is below ₹7,000, you should be charged 12% GST, but if it's above ₹7,500, the rate jumps to 18%! Knowing this simple detail can save you money and prevent unnecessary expenses.

Understanding GST Rates Based on Room Prices

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate applied to hotel room rents varies depending on the room price. Here's a breakdown:

  • Room Rent Below ₹7,000: If the room rent is below ₹7,000 per night, the GST rate applicable is 12%.
  • Room Rent Above ₹7,500: For room rents above ₹7,500 per night, the GST rate increases to 18%.

By being aware of these rates, you can make more informed decisions when booking hotel rooms. This knowledge can help you stay within your budget and avoid unexpected charges.

Double-Check to Avoid Being Overcharged

Double-checking your hotel bill to ensure the correct GST rate is applied is essential. Sometimes, hotels may mistakenly apply a higher rate, leading to overcharging. By knowing the exact rates, you can spot any discrepancies and address them immediately. This proactive approach ensures you pay the correct amount and protects your wallet.

Practical Tip: Book Smartly to Save

To save on hotel room rents, consider booking rooms that are just under the ₹7,000 threshold. For example, a room priced at ₹6,999 will attract 12% GST, whereas a room priced at ₹7,501 will attract 18% GST. This strategic booking can lead to significant savings, especially for longer stays.

Being aware of the GST rates based on hotel room prices is a simple yet powerful way to save money and avoid being overcharged. As Mohmed Abubacker Samsudeen emphasizes, knowledge is power, and it can keep your wallet happy. Next time you book a hotel room, remember these tips to ensure you get the best deal possible.

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