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Boost Your Returns: 3 Expert Strategies for Fixed Deposits by Ujjawal Pahwa

Maximize FD returns: Choose Small Finance Banks, use FD laddering, and extend by a day for higher interest.

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Boost Your Returns: 3 Expert Strategies for Fixed Deposits by Ujjawal Pahwa

Photo Credit: Ujjawal Pahwa Instagram

  • Higher Returns with Small Finance Banks
  • Boost Liquidity with FD Laddering
  • Maximize Interest with a One-Day Extension

Fixed Deposits (FDs) are a reliable investment choice for many Indian families. To maximize your FD returns, consider these three effective strategies from Ujjawal Pahwa:

1. Opt for Small Finance Banks

  • Small Finance Banks often offer higher FD interest rates compared to larger banks, sometimes up to 2.5% more. Choosing these banks can significantly boost your returns.

2. Use the FD Laddering Method

Divide your lump sum into multiple FDs with staggered maturity dates. This approach:

  • Enhances Liquidity: Access funds at different times.
  • Increases Returns: Benefit from varying rates over time.
  • Reduces Risk: Spread investments to minimize interest rate risk.

3. Extend Your FD by One Day

  • A deposit of just over a year often earns higher interest rates. For instance, an FD for 1 year and 1 day might yield 6.6% annually, compared to 6% for a 1-year FD.

By applying these strategies, you can optimize your Fixed Deposit investments and achieve proper financial growth.

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