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Wearing tight clothes looks tacky: Karishma Kambo's fashion advice & more interesting hacks

Karishma Kambo: Fashion is your style statement and style should be effortless!

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Wearing tight clothes looks tacky: Karishma Kambo's fashion advice & more interesting hacks

Photo Credit: Karishma Kambo

  • Karishma Kambo aka "Martini on Heels"
  • Karishma: I love vintage...
  • "Fashion is your style statement..."

“Indian at heart, global in mind…” Well, that's what Karishma Kambo's bio on Instagram states. A fashion, luxury creator, Karishma loves to create interesting content on fashion, skincare and makeup. She doesn't follow trends mindlessly and has some helpful fashion hacks for you too! Read more!

Karishma Kambo, better known as “Martini on Heels” on social media, speaks to us about her go-to fashion hacks, tips to follow and trends to avoid. Read on for full details.

Vintage or Contemporary: Your sense of style?

I love vintage but prefer contemporary on an everyday basis. 

What's your go-to fashion piece for an effortless yet stylish look?

A little black dress never fails.  


One fashion trend you're currently obsessed with?

I would say none! I don't follow trends, blindly! I believe in versatile fashion and we make trends, trends don't make us! 

One fashion faux pas to avoid?

Matching all your accessories with the same choice of colour! You don't have to do that! You are not a billboard. Fashion is your style statement and style should be effortless! 

Your favourite go-to clothing brand?

I can't name one! It's mostly a mix of high street, home grown and luxury brands! Still Zara, Forever New, Angry Owl, First Resort, Anju Modi to name a few.

When it comes to bags, what Indian or International brands do you love to shop from?

Well, Indian I would say my cocktail bags & potlis are mostly from Indian brands and designers like Reynu Taandon, Onaya and international brands that I love would be Prada and TUMI for travel. 

High heels or comfy sneakers?

High heels that are comfortable like block heels. 

A fashion rule you love to break?

Stop following trends.


One fashion item you can't leave the house without?

My handbag. 

Top fashion tip for boosting confidence?

Be comfortable in your skin first. It would automatically reflect in your style and confidence. 

Describe the outfit that makes you feel most empowered?

Just dressing up and looking good can totally elevate your mood. When you look in the mirror, you are automatically reminded that you are already empowered. You just need a small reminder.  

A fashion trend from the past you'd love to see make a comeback?

Bell bottoms with short shirts tied up in front. 

Share a fashion or style hack that everyone should know!

Wearing tight clothes that are not your size can make you look tacky and when you wear a correct size you look classy.

One fashion tip that can never go wrong?

Be comfortable in whatever you wear. 

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