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Santanu Hazarika: India's Enigmatic Art Maverick

Santanu Hazarika made headlines with breakup rumours with Shruti Hasan

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Santanu Hazarika: India's Enigmatic Art Maverick

Photo Credit: Santanu Hazarika Instagram

  • Santanu Hazarika's Journey
  • A Journey Unveiled Through Shadows
  • A Gambler's Leap Into the Abyss

In the enigmatic tapestry of contemporary Indian art, one name gleams like a hidden gem, with a brilliance that's as elusive as it is captivating—Santanu Hazarika. Hailing from the enchanting landscapes of Guwahati, and Assam, Hazarika is no ordinary artist. He's a multidisciplinary autodidact, a visual sorcerer, a mysterious doodler, and a maestro of the unexpected, all wrapped in one enigmatic persona, calling the bustling streets of Mumbai home. 

A Journey Unveiled Through Shadows:

Hazarika's ascent to artistic stardom is nothing short of a thrilling roller coaster ride through the shadows of creativity. In his formative years, young Santanu found his muse in the pixels of Atari video games and the ink-stained pages of second-hand comic books. He wielded his artistic prowess to craft captivating visuals, even selling his creations to school friends, all in pursuit of his artistic dreams. His fascination extended to the album art of legendary heavy metal bands like Slipknot, Metallica, Megadeth, and Cannibal Corpse, inspiring him to dive headfirst into the art of doodling. As fate would have it, Hazarika became a vital part of Guwahati's underground music scene, designing iconic album covers for the very musicians who once fueled his artistic passion. 

A Gambler's Leap Into the Abyss:

In a daring move, Hazarika took a life-altering gamble, bidding farewell to a promising mechanical engineering career to embrace art with unbridled passion. In a world where art knowledge was scarce and mentors were a rarity, he charted his course, with doodling as his North Star. His journey reached a crescendo when he emerged as the first-ever Red Bull Doodle Art Champion in 2014, a feat achieved through sheer talent and a touch of destiny. Overcoming more than 32,000 artists from across the globe, he clinched the coveted title, leading to a groundbreaking contract with Red Bull International. Hazarika attributes a monumental shift in his life to that fateful victory, opening doors to a full-time career in art and a canvas filled with boundless opportunities. 

The International Canvas of Hazarika's Imagination:

From that pivotal moment, Hazarika's art transcended borders and garnered international acclaim. What began as an escape from the rigors of Indian schooling blossomed into collaborations with renowned brands, including Red Bull International, Adidas, Reebok, Levis, Volvo, Porsche, Dust of Gods, Chivas, Dewars, Harper's, Metropolis Asia, NDTV, the Ministry of Culture, Gully Gang, and Azadi Records, among others. His artistic touch also breathed life into the visual identities of musicians like Ritviz, hip-hop sensations Divine and Raftaar, and collaborations with Nucleya, Major Lazer, and countless more

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