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Mastering the Art of Color Coordination: Essential Tips from Style Coach Tanistha Basu

Discover three simple yet powerful rules shared by style coach Tanistha Basu to choose the perfect colors for your outfits and enhance your fashion game.

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Mastering the Art of Color Coordination: Essential Tips from Style Coach Tanistha Basu

Photo Credit: Tanistha Basu Instagram

  • Tanistha Basu is a style coach and digital influencer
  • She shares 3 rules to apply to pick colours for your outfit
  • Jot down the trick to ace the fashion game

Are you ever unsure about which colors to choose when assembling an outfit? Selecting the right colors can be a daunting task, but with guidance from Tanistha Basu, a renowned style coach and digital influencer, you can effortlessly master this skill. In this article, we explore Tanistha's three essential rules for picking outfit colors that will elevate your style.

1. Create Neutral Tone Outfits

Neutral tones are the foundation of a versatile and sophisticated wardrobe. Think shades like beige, white, black, and gray. These colors are easy to mix and match, providing a timeless look that works for any occasion.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Start by investing in key pieces like a beige trench coat, white blouse, black trousers, and gray sweaters. These items can be effortlessly paired with almost anything in your closet.
  • Neutral tones act as a blank canvas, allowing you to accessorize with more vibrant colors if you choose. Add a statement necklace, colorful scarf, or bold shoes to bring a touch of personality to your neutral outfit.
  • Remember that neutral doesn't mean boring. Play with different textures and materials, such as leather, silk, and knit, to add depth and interest to your look.

2. Go for Monochromatic Looks with a Pop of Color

A monochromatic look involves wearing a single color from head to toe. This style is not only chic but also elongates your silhouette, making you appear taller and slimmer. Adding a pop of color can break the monotony and make your outfit stand out.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Choose a base color that you love and that complements your skin tone. Navy, burgundy, and olive green are excellent choices for a monochromatic look.
  • Once you have your base color, add a single item in a contrasting hue. This could be a bright yellow handbag, red shoes, or a turquoise belt. The pop of color should draw attention and add an element of surprise to your outfit.
  • Balance is key. Make sure the contrasting item enhances the overall look without overpowering it. The goal is to create a harmonious and visually appealing ensemble.

3. Use the Color Wheel to Create Color-Blocking Outfits

Color blocking is a bold and modern way to combine different colors in a single outfit. By using the color wheel, you can create striking color combinations that are both aesthetically pleasing and fashion-forward.

How to Apply This Rule:

  • Familiarize yourself with the color wheel, which is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Understanding the relationships between these colors is crucial for successful color blocking.
  • Complementary colors (those opposite each other on the wheel) create high contrast and vibrant looks. Examples include blue and orange, red and green, or yellow and purple.
  • Analogous colors (those next to each other on the wheel) offer a more subtle and harmonious appearance. Think combinations like blue and green, red and orange, or yellow and green.
  • Experiment with different color combinations to find what works best for you. Start with two colors and gradually introduce a third if you feel confident.

By incorporating these three rules into your styling routine, you can take the guesswork out of choosing colors for your outfits. Whether you prefer the simplicity of neutral tones, the elegance of monochromatic looks with a pop of color, or the boldness of color blocking, Tanistha Basu's tips will help you step up your fashion game and make dressing up a delightful experience.

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