
Dr Priyanka Reddy Highlights the Right Way to Eat Nuts and Seeds

Science expert Dr Priyanka Reddy shares the right way to extract nutritional benefits from nuts and seeds.

Priyanka Reddy Instagram,Priyanka Reddy

Dr Priyanka Reddy Highlights the Right Way to Eat Nuts and Seeds

Photo Credit: Priyanka Reddy Instagram

  • Dr Priyanka Reddy shares skin, hair and body-related content
  • She has over 100K Instagram followers
  • Through science, she hopes to spread awareness and help netizens

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. With multiple health benefits, they are added to diets in various forms, either raw, soaked, or roasted. But what is the most nutritious way to benefit from them? Dr Priyanka Reddy shared the right way to consume nuts and seeds.

The Right Way

We often use dry fruits and seeds in our households, but do we get nutritional benefits from them? We may not consume them appropriately. Priyanka explains why soaking nuts and seeds is the right way to consume them.

Why Soak?

Soaking nuts and seeds helps to reduce the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors they contain. This, in turn, helps to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from these foods. Soaking can also make the nuts and seeds softer and easier to eat. Soaking them also reduces tannins that block iron absorption, making them the most beneficial way to eat.

Which Nuts to Soak?

Priyanka also suggested that almonds, walnuts, pecan & Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, cashew nuts, ground nuts, and pine nuts are the nuts that must be soaked before consumption. Adding the list of seeds, she recommended soaking flaxseeds, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds.

Besides being a digital creator, Dr Priyanka Reddy is the Founder, MD & Chief Dermatologist of DNA Skin Clinic. With her vast knowledge of science, Priyanka believes that sharing her social media content will benefit her audience. She shares skin, hair and body content on her Instagram account.

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